Slide your hand inside the teen’s panties and finger her

From Create Your Own Story

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Despite the teen’s struggles, you manage to get a hand inside her panties. You keep her pinned down with one arm, while you use the fingers of your other hand the trace up and down the length of her slit. Her vagina moistens in spite of herself, and you wiggle a finger into her folds. She’s tight enough that she probably really is a virgin, but you push and get your finger in deep.

“No!” the teen howls. “Stop!”

She protests, but once you start wiggling your finger inside her, she can’t help moaning. You slide your finger in and out of her, and her squirming isn’t entirely because she’s trying to escape. You find her clit and carefully stroke the hot button with your thumb. The girl stops clawing at you and digs her fingers into the mattress. You force a second finger into her. Her body stiffens beneath you. You scissor your fingers inside her and make little circles against her clit. The teen cries out as her juices gush over your hand and soak her panties.

“Oh fuck, that was...!” the teen gasps.

“It’ll be even better with my penis inside you,” you say.

The teen nervously nibbles on her lower lip. Your penis is throbbing with need. You've got to get it inside her.

“You can’t pop my cherry here,” she says. “The police will be here any minute.”

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