Critical Role - Beau - Check On Friends in Xhorhas Chamber

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You try to stay focused, but your worries prove to be too great and you shift your sight over your shoulder towards the disheveled wizard.

He stands learning against the stone wall, blood dripping down his coat sleeve from a gash made by the claws of the demon now lying dead on the ground, smoke and ash rising from the blast zone of where Caleb hit it with a ball of fire. He turns to look back at you, but his eyes widen as he stares at something behind you. “Look out!” He calls, pointing back to the portal.

Your attention snaps back to the portal in time to see a large, muscular and grey arm reach out towards Jester, who is still wrapped up in her prayer. Just before the arm reaches her, Jester’s eyes burst open, blue light glowing in her eyes.

The portal’s flickering increases as the spell takes hold. The arm’s owner roars from the other side and latches onto Jester’s blouse, yanking her towards the now closing portal. Out of desperation, she grabs onto the closest thing to her, your shirt. The sheer strength of the beast lifts you both off the floor with no resistance and you both let out a scream as you are pulled into the rift, the chamber around you warping until it fades to darkness, the air becoming bitingly cold.

You faintly hear Fjord and Caleb crying out before silence takes over. You both hit a rough stone floor with a thud as the arm smacks you down. You gasp for air as the impact leaves you winded and despair sets in as you watch the remains of the portal vanish from view.

Jester starts sobbing from where she landed to your right, crying out “No! I’m sorry! This wasn’t meant to happen!” The frilly blouse that she had been wearing is now ripped down the front, her azure breasts now both spilling out over her corset. She either barely noticed or didn’t care as she made no attempt to cover herself as she just sat and stared at where the portal had been moments before.

You notice a patch of blue cloth clasped in her had and look down at your own attire. Jesters grasp has pulled a chunk of your own shirt clean off, exposing the tanned skin of your left breast. You feel a bit ashamed as you feel your dark, exposed nipple harden in the cool air. You move your hand to cover yourself, but a growl behind you reminds you both that you are not alone.

The grey monster that dragged you here stands not 10 feet from you both. Its size and shape remind you of a troll, except that it has four powerful arms. Its chest is uncovered, with its only clothing being a tattered loincloth. It looks towards Jester and then you. You don’t have long to act.

The creature lets out another roar before charging forward.

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