Character Selection

From Create Your Own Story

  • Yarius: The privileged firstborn son of a privileged aristocratic family of a privileged mercantile city of a privileged booming province. Privileged and Spoiled beyond belief, a two sided-blade.
  • Enach: Venerated war hero from the First Contact war. Hails from a strong military background. He didn't come out of the war wholly intact, not in the mind at least.
  • Suvas: H̶a̶l̶f̶-̶b̶l̶o̶o̶d̶ ̶s̶c̶u̶m̶.̶ Leader of Autonomous Southern States, questionable bloodline but a charismatic man. Impure scum. It is a grave insult to claim the throne.
  • Unagol: Champion of the Plains, rides like the wind and strikes like thunder. Captain of the elite Calvary unit. He's good at fighting, I'm not so sure about anything else.
  • Quailai: Eastern Frontier Lord of Zhengyan Province. A competent and regal man, of mixed but acceptable blood. The east is finally making its move...
  • Ceanil: The common man's hero. The classic rags to riches tale. A humble and hard-working man, despite his newfound status as governor of Raral. I heard his brother was arrested for dissent...
  • Tembal: The youngest sage to ever have been anointed, and of aristocratic blood to boot. Highly powerful, though inexperienced and somewhat naive. He's not even 30 yet!
  • Heiner: Purity beyond purity. Possibly the "purest" in blood, ever. Opposition say inbreeding has made him stupid, but support says he is the strongest man alive. R̶e̶t̶a̶r̶d̶ .
  • Warick: Son of a Pirate Lord redeemed, and a Lady of the Isles, water is his ever-present ally. His participation is somewhat contentious and hotly debated. "Is he even human?"
  • Pontor: A high priest. Yes, actually. While this grants him great healing and purification powers, it was his pact with an angel that truly propelled him to legitimacy. Can he even fight?

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