Go with Holly

From Create Your Own Story

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There's something intriguing about Holly, something beyond her good looks. As a bisexual woman, you can appreciate both male and female beauty. You want to get to know her better.

"If it's okay with her, I'd like to go with Holly," you say.

"Sure," says Holly. For the first time, she smiles. You smile back.

"All right. We'll catch up with you later, then." Mike, Buster, and their guide head off in the opposite direction, while your guide leads you and Holly to the room the two of you will be sharing. It's small and cozy, with bunk beds against one wall and a pair of dressers by the other. After showing you where the bathrooms and showers are, the uniformed man leaves the two of you alone.

"Okay if I take the bottom bunk?" Holly asks.

"Sure. I prefer the top anyway."

After putting away your things and getting settled, you sit next to Holly on the bottom bunk as she begins her story. "My husband, John, and I have both been polar researchers for ten years. We met here at McMurdo eight years ago and got married four months later. We try to work together whenever we can, but on our last assignments, he was sent to Antarctica, while I was assigned to the Arctic, in Greenland. We both had six-month April to October contracts. Mine was for the traditional Arctic summer, but his was for the Antarctic winter in that little seven-person camp. I didn't want him to take it. I just had a bad feeling about it. That sixth sense, you know? But John was insistent. Winter was always his favorite time in the polar regions. He loved the quiet and the solitude. And so the six months were almost up, I was finally going to see him again..." She lets out a sniffle. "Sorry."

"Don't be." You put your hand over hers comfortingly, your muscular, tanned forearm contrasting sharply with her slender, pale one. She continues with her story.

"I got the call last week. I got out of Greenland as fast as I could. They told me the details over the phone. A plane was sent to Camp 403 to pick the seven of them up and take them back to McMurdo. McMurdo had spoken with them by satellite phone just the night before and everyone seemed perfectly fine. But when the plane got there, the crew found five of them dead. They were just ripped apart. There was blood everywhere. And the others, including my John, were missing." She pauses, taking a deep breath to compose herself. "The 'official' story is that one of the people at that camp went nuts from being isolated for so long and just went on a killing spree." Her blue eyes flash as she speaks.

"You don't believe that, do you."

"Not for a second! I know my John could never do something like that. The other missing person, a woman named Bethany, I can't believe she'd do it either. I've only met her a couple of times, but she seemed perfectly normal." Holly leans in close to you. "I don't want to sound crazy, but I honestly think it was aliens. First of all, the slashes that killed those people didn't match any of the knives or tools at the camp. The coroner said they seemed more like claw wounds. Then there are the strange blue lights. The scientists at Camp 403 reported seeing them in the sky several times before the...incident. And there's one more thing. Something that the others don't know."

"I got another call the day after the first one. It was from one of the crew members who went to the camp to pick the team up. He told me that when they got there, one guy was still alive. Mortally wounded, but alive. He was in shock, as if his brain had been overloaded by pure terror. He kept repeating one thing. 'Red eyes. They have glowing red eyes.' Over and over until he died."

You try to take it all in. It certainly sounds like something not of this world has been at work. "There's always a chance that your husband's still alive. They could find him at any time..."

"They've been searching for days. Nothing. That's why I have to get out there." She shakes her head. "It's so eerie. I've always considered myself a woman of science. Up until last week, I probably had the same opinion about aliens as Buster. But now, just thinking about those glowing red eyes..."

A knock on the door makes both of you jump. You look at each other, both a little embarrassed about getting worked up and scared like that. "Come in," you say.

Mike and Buster walk in. "Our room's just across the hall," says Mike. "They finished filling us in. The whole thing is downright creepy."

"Downright phony," says Buster. "Aliens are just..."

"Come on, not now. I had enough of that during the briefing. It's almost time for dinner. Let's all head on over to the mess hall." During dinner, and afterward, despite the lively conversation, you can't stop thinking about the glowing red eyes. If the reports are true, this could be far more of an adventure than you bargained for.

You and Holly both decide to turn in early. Hopefully, tomorrow you can get out to Camp 403.

You brought pajamas to sleep in because you have a roommate, but you are surprised to see Holly strip down to just her panties as she gets ready for bed. She has a stunning body, slender but firm and toned. Her small, round, perky breasts look like 32B's.

Health {{{Health}}} Equipment:

All the things you brought in your large suitcase

MP {{{MP}}}
Level {{{Level}}}
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