120 Minutes Remain (2)- Stay where you are

From Create Your Own Story

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Even though you feel euphoric that you're not alone in this strange place, there's always the possibility that these people may not be friendly, so you decide to stay put. For now.
As the voices draw nearer and nearer, you get a sudden chill. You have the feeling you're being watched by someone. Or something. You shiver uneasily but stay where you are.
And then, the lights come on.
You yell in pain and cover your eyes as your eye muscles strain against this sudden light. Slowly you peek around your hands to see what just happened.
For a second, you see nothing except for a bright haze. When your eyes eventually do focus, you gasp in shock.
You're in a large hanger-type room with nothing in it except for two dozen or so doors around the walls and a desk situated in the far corner. For a millisecond you think you see a shapeless black mass slightly to the left of you but then it's gone.
The voices have stopped shouting now and all is silent again. Your heart racing with this new develpoment, you decide on your next course of action.

Health 100 Location:

Large Room

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