Stay silent and just watch

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 02:19, 27 August 2018 by Moonlit (Talk | contribs)

" how did this epidemic start in the first place?" The irritated man asked.

"Well...I do not know exactly how...yet it seems that it is invisible." Eli mused.

"Of course, it also was originally not on the Star Destroyer." The irritated man snapped.

"No kidding..." The dark haired pointed out.

"Yet what where could exactly could it had originate from?" The irritated man grew way more irritated while he inquired.

"We actually have no clue...there appears to be an undetected 'fog' influencing their decisions." Eli informed.

"A what?" The man's irritation immediately faded to concern.

"It us is convincing them to do certain things they would not normally do...why?" Eli asked.

"I believe it is not an epidemic now..." The man is now grim.

"How so?" The dark haired asked.

" the disease is not airborn for the three of us are not affected nor it is...emitted sexually." The grim man pointed out.

"What is the proof?" Eli demanded.

"Thrawn is asexual, not to be sexually attracted towards anybody. So my conclusion is that an undetected force is manipulating them through speech." The grim one drew the conclusion while turning grave.

"Then how could the eyes be foggy if it is not a side effect?" The dark haired asked.

"Eyes are keys to the soul...of course it would be fogged up." The grave one countered.

"Then...what do we do?" Eli asked.

"Unless people like us who cares about the situation...this will not resolve." The grave one stated passionately.

"What do we do?" The dark haired asked.

"You both go on seperate 'diplomatic missions' by a document you can easily forge to educate the uneducated...while I start my first steps to observe." The grave one ordered.

"What can educating solve?" Eli asked.

"It gives them the ability to decide...which prevents the fog from overtaking their minds as easily." The grave answered.

"I understand how we can finish our end of the can you?" The dark haired asked anxiously.

"I observe Thrawn to recieve an idea when and how I can help him...and possibly it can give me an idea to help others." The man responded.

"No...that is way to risky." Eli pointed out in concern.

"We need to try." He responded urgently.

"We can't lose you too...this shot could miss." The dark haired yelled. The grave turned irritated.

Time seemed to freeze momentarily...yet it resumed moments after the determined fire reached the other's eyes.

"Yet we miss all shots if we don't take one." The irritated man's voice rose.

The dark haired looked like he was going to lose it yet Eli pulled him back.

" are right...yet be careful." Eli advised. The man lost his irritation.

"This is going to end terribly wrong." The dark haired rolled his eyes.

"Why is that so?" Eli asked.

"Splitting up never ends well in horror movies..." He laughed nervously in response.

"Lets hope this is not one of them." Eli laughed anxiously while starting to sweat.

"It would not because this is not a horror movie." The grave planner tried to reassure.

"Maybe it is more of an erotica." The dark haired mused.

"Control you bluntness." Eli said while cracking up so hard.

Yet the planner had a fake smiled while tearing.

"Hilarious. That would most likely be if I fail..." He croaked.

Both stopped after they noticed everything as a combination.

" don't know if you miss the shot if you do not take it." Eli tried to remind him.

"I know, Eli...yet..." The planner looked down.

"Yet are the one who brought the plan up. You are the one who encouraged us..." The dark haired cutted in.

"Yet...why is it so funny then?" Jorge demanded.

"We...did not expect you to react that way." Eli responded simply.

"I-I see...anyways lets begin our plan." Jorge sighed and walked away not noticing you eavesdropping while pretending to work immediately after.

"If Jorge says that we are wrong all along we...will need to regroup and find other survivors." Eli whispered to the dark haired one after Jorge was out of view.

"Yet Jorge..." The dark haired one hesitated.

"Yet nothing...we free him later after...the future would depend on us." Eli added passionately.

{You learned vital information}

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