Vagabond/Perhaps some night air will help

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Talon was able to slip out the back exit without being noticed and as soon as the cool night air hit him, he already felt better. There was something so enticing about a city’s streets at night. The promise of adventure and danger lurked around every corner and there was nothing more alluring than that. Well, he could take care of himself, get himself out of any situation he found himself in that wasn’t to his liking, as rare as that was, so there was only enough fear to keep things exciting.

And right now he could use a little excitement, perhaps blow off a little steam. So of course he found himself heading towards the upper districts, feet nearly silent on the cobblestone streets. He couldn’t help but be attracted to power of any kind, political, physical, magical, so of course he sought it out. It helped that they were often the most generous. And, if they weren’t, well, belongings went missing all the time and they often had plenty.

As if summoned by his own thoughts, a wizard come around the corner ahead of him. He was young and attractive, dark hair pulled back in a tight bun, his beard short and well kept. Talon couldn’t help but flash him a suggestive grin. The wizard looked surprised for a moment before he returned it. Talon didn’t stop, however, and simply kept walking. Always keep them curious and wanting more, that’s what he’d learned. And it certainly was satisfying when he heard the wizard come to a stop behind him, calling out to get his attention again.

“You look like someone who knows what he wants,” he said.

Ignore the wizard and keep walking, uninterested
Humor him and play along

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