CYS-F: Continue for the van
From Create Your Own Story
Jessie could take care of her self, or at least that's what you tell yourself as you run to the van. Maybe someone was hurt, or trapped inside, you couldn't ignore them. A few people stop to look at the van, but no one else goes to help. You push past a group of people and start to climb up the side. Fred follows behind you, and turns to the people and giving them a glare. Seeing how you are armed and Freddy was quite a big fellow, they dispersed and continued to flee down the street. As you clamber on top, you can hear crying in the car. You make your way to the passenger door to see a man in the drivers seat dead, his head caved in from the impact against the wheel. A young boy, around 9 or 10 from the looks of it, was hanging by his seat belt in the passenger side. You look back to Fred, who still is watching for any threats, and call out to him "There's a survivor Fred!" Fred yells back over his shoulder "well then hurry up and get em out!" You look back at the boy, who only whimpers as he stares at the drivers body, and try to use a calm and soothing voice to talk to him. "Hey buddy, are you ok?" The kid looks up at you with fear and panic, and you mentally kick yourself for such a stupid question. "Are you hurt?" the boy shakes his head before looking back down at the corpse "alright, well i'm gonna get you out of here, ok?" The boy ignores you, but you doubt he wants to stay in there. By now a small fire has ignited from the engine, and the car is starting to heat up. You open the door, pulling it open, and start to reach down to unbuckle his seat belt. "ok kid, i need you to hold on to something. I'm gonna get you out of this" The kid grabs on to the side of his seat, and you start to yank on the seat belt. When it refuses to unlatch, you pull out your knife and cut it. Almost immediately the boy almost falls, holding on his seat for dear life. You reach down and grab him by his arm and slowly pull him out. Once on the side of the car, you give him a look over to check for any wounds. He appears to be Hispanic, with tan skin and black hair matted with sweat. He is wearing a soccer jersey and shorts, along with a pair of cleats that look new. After your sure he is fine except for scrapes and bruises you turn back to Fred. You turn just in time to see him in the middle of a brawl. He appears to be wrestling with a middle aged man, though you notice a similar aged woman starting to circle around him, looking like she was about to pounce. Fred suddenly kicks the man back and then rushes in, slamming his elbow into the mas head and sending him sprawling onto the grass. The woman takes another step forward while Fred keeps his eye on the man getting up, but the you unsling your gun and aim at her "HEY BITCH!!! FUCK OFF" Both Fred and the woman look at you. before she raises her hand and backs away, before she turns and sprints away