Separate from Angi

From Create Your Own Story

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"Thanks, Angi, I'm all right." you say as you separate.

She smiles warmly at you and says, "I'm glad. So, are you ready for your first day in the deep wood?"

"As ready as I'll ever be."

"Good." she says as she heads over to her pack, and takes out two red feathers, and a pair of headbands. "Here, put this on. It's a phoenix feather, if you put it next to your ear, we'll be able to communicate from any distance. Also, if you get into trouble, crush it in your hand, and you'll be whisked back here immediately. Just be sure you're not touching anyone, as they'll come with you."

You put on the head band and tuck the feather in close to your ear. "Pretty handy feather. But I have to ask, aren't we patrolling together?"

"No, we won't. I'll be covering the south, while you take the north."

You grow and little nervous and ask, "Anything I should be aware of, or look out for?"

"Stay in the trees. Only go on the ground if you absolutely have to. As for things to watch out for, the giant mattive toads will eat anything smaller than themselves, so steer clear of them. If you see any orcs, kill them without hesitation. Lastly, avoid the chimera at all costs."

"The... chimera?" you ask, having never heard of such a creature.

"A very rare species. They have the head of a lion, a snake for a tail, wings of a bat, legs of a horse, and the torso of a man, one of them lives here. He's usually quite docile and won't hurt you, but if you happen to come across him, avert your eyes immediately, do not look at him at all, especially in the eyes. If you do, he'll assume you're interested in him, and you do not want that."

"Oh... okay. Anything else?"

"No, that about does it. Just keep in touch, let me know if you see anything out of the ordinary, and in a month we'll head back to the capital."

After getting dressed, You and Angi bid each other safe journey, and head off in your own directions. Your pants are still drenched, though, and you spot a pond nearby where you could wash your clothes and yourself. But Angi did say to stay in the trees.

Health Female orc, named Ronama Equipment:

Hunter uniform, quiver full of arrows, bow, phoenix feather

Experience Virgin
HP 100
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