MCBB/30s not with the father

From Create Your Own Story

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You are 33-year-old Lindie Robinson.You are bi. In fact, you ended up where you are because of a friend in high school, Gina. Gina and you were Lovers for awhile. No one ever knew. Anyways, you didn't stay together as lovers for long, but you are still close friends. It was fate that you met her, cause of her brother, and your husband Jake. Gina and you agreed that you will never tell him. It just wouldn't go well.

You got married and had agreed to wait to start a family until you were older. Jake was an Army sergeant. The last time he was on leave, you had decided the time was right. He was going back for his final tour. That was five months ago. You had sex every night for 2 weeks. He left to go to Iraq one last time.

You took a pregnancy test a month after he left. Positive. You wrote him a letter with the good news and posted it.

The next day, you received a phone call. Jake had been killed by an IED.

Thankfully, he had enough life insurance that money won't be an issue for a while. But that isn't the point. You've been absolutely devastated. You don't have a husband, and the child in your belly doesn't have a father. You're 5 months pregnant.

Gina and I still pal around. She is a great friend and someone I have come to rely one. We talk about dirty secrets Mostly hers though. Even though we still find each other very attractive, Gina was married and I keep a respectful distance. Even though she loved Jake she is making me get out and try to rejoin society. She recommended this club on the other side of town called "Cherries".

You shower, put on some sexy lingerie and a nice dress, and slip into your heels. Time to hit the club.

Soon enough, a couple of people are hitting on you. A very tall brunette, very much in shape and looks older then you, with D-cups and a shapely rump. And a handsome blond-haired man, fairly muscular, who looks maybe a few years younger than you. Cindy is inviting you back to her house, while Stan wants to come over to yours.

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