Shall I go first said ...

From Create Your Own Story

There ware footsteps on the stairs and Mom looked in at us, "Oh you lot being dirty again, good, don't leave it all to me." Then she seemed to realise I was naked but they weren't. "Oh, all still nervous about showing your vaginas ? That is fine, let me help, we won't get to see him masturbate if we don't play along.

Mom came in and unbuttoned her blouse and let her skirt fall too, she looked fantastic in just her bra and panties, my cock got a lot harder. Off came her bra and her tits sagged, just fantastic ! Off came her panties, I watched and the girls watched too.

"Now we want him to show us how he masturbates don't we ?"

I took hold of my cock and pumped for a minute, that is all it took and I was ready, I felt my cum building ...

"See how far you can shoot if you have a target to aim at," mom said and stood two feet in front of me ...

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