Sorceress Robes/Getting Dressed

From Create Your Own Story

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With your black robes on, and a little make-up applied, you are ready to learn who your life partner is.

You also put on a special necklace. An elegant design your father commissioned last year, it is a pair of wings that can be opened up to reveal an emerald the same colour as your eyes. When you revealed it to your mentor, she suggested that you put it into a special potion which will help you in life. Once the potion was made, however, you didn't recognise the potion as one that she taught you but you trusted her and placed the necklace inside the cauldron. After a few seconds, the potion seemed to drain into the necklace, somewhat mystifying you.

Now when you put it on, you feel as though there is something strange about it, as if it has some secret power you don't know about. But before you could ask your mentor about it, she died. In fact, it was the last potion you worked on together, making her death somewhat suspicious to you. Regardless, you still wear it, as a sign of your respect to her.

With your necklace secure, you pack away your possessions, the most prized of which is your mentor's ancient scroll. The scroll contains your mentor's entire sorceress library, with every spell, potion, and ritual hidden on the parchment. You've been decoding it ever since your mentor passed on. The only spells you've managed to learn from it so far though are some from her younger days. At least, you hope they're from her younger days.

Moving on from that train of thought, you finish packing your bags and you and your servants start taking them down to the carriage. Your father is already down there, a large smile on his face. Ass-hole.

"Ready to head towards your new home, Anastasia?" he asks smugly. He's been wanting to get rid of you ever since you started learning "healing".

"So ready," you reply sarcastically.

"Don't worry," he says. "I'm sure your new husband will take good care of you."

You don't like how he put extra emphasis on the word "good". Red flags start rising in your head and you know something's up. But if you make a scene here, he'll make life worse for you. He always does.

Soon, all of your noble luggage is loaded and the procession is underway. Apart from your carriage, the only people coming with you is your favourite servant, Isolde, the knight, Ser Wymark, his squire, Tomas, and the carriage driver, who you expect is probably going to head back once your at your husband's house. Once you wave off your loyal servants and peasants, a great number of who are crying, you finally exit the castle and town.

With the castle in the background, you realise you can probably let the carriage driver slip who your to be married to.

"Driver," you say in your most noble voice. "Now that we are no longer in the castle, can you please tell me who I'm to marry?"

"Sorry, Anastasia," he answers politely. "Your father's orders were clear. You're not to know."

"Please." You use your most velvety voice when asking, hoping you can persuade him. When he turns around, you give him puppy-dog eyes.

"AHHH!" he yells playfully. "MONSTER!"

"HEY!!" you shout back at him.

"Fine," he says. "But only if you don't make that face again. Whatever you were going for wasn't working." You pout.

"Don't do that either." So you frown instead.

"Anyway, the person you're getting married to is..."

Health 100 Equipment:

Sorceress Robes

Stamina 100
Mood Unhappy Inventory:

Winged Necklace, Mentor's Scroll, Noble Luggage

Purse 00, 00, 00
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