Masochist me/Sex training/Oral

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"Today, we will go beyond touch. The lesson today will relate to oral sex. During the hands on experience, both the males and females will use a condom." He held up the male and female condoms for us to see. "Now, first, we will start with the basics of putting on a condom.Sorry, even if you already know, you need to go through it. Although everyone in this class has been tested for STIs, we still need to take all safety precautions."

With that, he brought up his partner. Of course, that meant me.

"Now, condoms can be put on by yourself, or by your partner. We will practice both ways."

He paused, then continued. "For now, we will cover men. For men, there are lots of documents on how to properly apply a condom."

He pulled off his pants and underwear, leaving his penis...rather exposed. "Before you start, make sure your penis is erect. Your partner can help, but should not touch until your condom is on." He grabbed his penis, stroking it slowly in front of all of us. I could not understand how he could do that and not look at least a little embarrassed. Once his penis was fully erect, he continued.

"For vaginal and anal sex, it is recommended to use a latex condom if at all possible. If it is unlubricated, then you will need to add lubrication, or you will risk breaking it. Do not use lambskin or other animal skin condoms if you are unsure of your partner, as they only protect against pregnancy, not against STIs. Also, latex is less likely to break than polyurethane condoms. For oral sex, it is better to use unlubricated or flavored condoms. Today, we will use flavored. Now, if you are using toys, it is still better to put a condom on. Otherwise, you will risk infections or worse. Last, use the proper lubrication, water based. Oil lubrication, while easier, since you will not need to reapply as often, will break latex. And women, if you are being treated for a yeast infection, the treatments contain oil, so it will cause condoms to break. Better to just wait until it has cleared up."

With that, he grabbed a condom and his penis.

"First, make sure you open your condom carefully so as not to rip it. It is not recommended to open it with your teeth. Next, check that it is facing the correct direction. The condom should unroll on the outside. If it is on the inside, you need to turn it around. If you have foreskin, then you need to pull it back before applying the condom. Now, we pinch the tip of the condom to make sure there are no air bubbles. Air bubbles will increase the risk of breakage and gives the semen somewhere to collect." He pinched the tip to show, then unrolled the condom down his penis a little. "Next, unroll it while still pinching the tip. Continue unrolling it until it reaches the base of your shaft. Now, once the condom is on, you can apply lubricant as needed," with this, he grabbed a small bottle of K-Y Jelly and spread it over the condom. "You will only use this for the condom exercise, not for the oral exercise. Now, let me show you how you will deal with it after you have finished orgasming."

With that, he closed his eyes and started stroking his penis. I was not alone in looking at him shocked.

By now, we had all orgasmed in the class at least once, but it was still surreal to see my teacher whip out his penis and start masturbating. Soon, he grunted, and the tip of the condom swelled up. "Sorry, but to explain how to remove, we have to have a used condom. Now that you have finished, you wrap your thumb and pointer finger around the condom right above the base. Slide it down the shaft until it comes off. This will keep the semen in the condom, instead of allowing it to leak out. If you wait until your penis is flaccid, then the semen can leak out the sides."

He held up his newly filled condom. Then, he put it in a plastic bag, tied it up, and threw it in a trashcan with the bio-hazard label on the side. "Please make sure your used condoms are disposed of properly."

With that, he turned us all to hands on practice. Soon, all the guys were naked from the waist down, penises everywhere. The teacher also had me practice putting one on him. "Remember, you need to practice taking it off. You can do it yourself, or ask your partner to assist." Some guys masturbated, others got handjobs. "No oral," he said, looking at one girl who was about to wrap her lips around her partner's cock. "You will get to practice that later. For now, it is simple condom practice." Eventually, all the guys had their filled condom disposed of. All the men got dressed, and sat back down.

He turned to me, and said in a low voice, "have you ever used a female condom before?" I shook my head no. "Okay, I will insert it for you."

"As with the male condom, you should make sure a female condom has not expired, and that it is still in good condition. Do not use the one that has been in your purse for the past year." He again turned to me. "Can you please take off your shorts and panties?" He asked. I nodded, then started removing all my clothes from the waist down.

I thought it would be different. I had been exposed in front of the class more than once. But I still found myself blushing furiously, and looking up. Of course, the teacher didn't allow that either. "Please watch," he said to me. Firmly, but not unkindly.

He sat me down on a table, and had me spread my legs. "For the women, this will be similar to how you insert a tampon. Squeeze the smaller ring at the closed end of the condom and insert it into your vagina as far as it will go." With this, he squeezed and pushed it in. It felt odd, having him put this inside me. A bit like teasing, a bit like some medical exam performed by a doctor. It also felt humiliating, having the entire class stare intently at my vagina while he inserted it. "Now, make sure you do not twist the condom. The large ring at the open end will cover the vaginal opening. It should actually be outside of your body. Unlike the male version, this is not designed to hold any fluid from the woman, but should prevent any fluid from leaking out." With that, he again spoke quietly to me. "Sorry, for the next part, I will need to have sex with you. Are you ready for that?" My mind went blank. Totally and completely blank. While we all saw each other's genitals, saw each other orgasm, this was different. First, I was on display, rather than each person being focused on their partner. Second, we still had not actually...done it, in front of each other. He asked again. I couldn't make my mind work, but I shook my head yes.

"Now, we will use both for the oral exercise, but during sex, you cannot use both a female and male condom. The friction caused by both together will create a high risk of one or both breaking, then you are worse off." With that, he took his already erect penis and started applying KY to it. Turning his back to the class, he settled between my legs. "Just focus on me. I will try to be quick." I nodded, then waited. Soon, I could feel him inside of me. It felt...different, than the times I had sex with guys while they wore condoms. Less sensation. I wondered if this was what it was like for men. I tried to focus on the situation. My teacher was finally fucking me. Right here, in front of the entire class. I bit my lip, hard, and wrapped my arms, my legs, around him. I watched the other students, thought about what they must think of me, sitting up here, having sex in front of them. Whore. Slut. Cunt. My own body started moving with him, fucking him back, as I felt myself go completely scarlet. Then, I started panting. The thrill, the humiliation, the pure, raw, animal lust. I tasted the copper taste in my mouth, the sting of the bite, and raked my nails down his back. I felt like some wanton slut, sitting up there. Soon, I was panting and moaning, watching some of the women turn away from me. Watching some of the men leer at me. I could feel myself coming closer. Then, I felt him cum inside the condom. I wanted to scream. I was so close. I felt him pull back, and pulled him back into me, grabbing his ass. "Let them watch me. Let them see the teachers little whore," I whispered into his ear. "I am such a slut," I whispered, looking right into one of the women's eyes, imagining what she must think of me. Looking at one of the guys, giving me a look like I was some whore he would be happy to fuck. The teacher stopped me. "Sorry, but we need to finish."

I looked at him in horror. He wasn't even going to let me climax!

I looked like a wanton whore just to finish, and he was denying me that. It was too much. I went an even deeper shade of crimson. Then, it hit me, and I wrapped my arms and legs around him, holding him to me tightly, as I shuddered from the climax. "Congratulations," he whispered into my ear.

I shook my head against his shoulder. He still did not get me. I had no idea what to even say.

"So, once the man has completed, we twist the large ring like this," he said, twisting it, "then gently pull the condom out." He pulled it out, his semen pooled slightly at the base. "After, dispose of it appropriately." He stuck it in a bag, tied the bag up, and threw it in the bio-hazard bag.

I put on my panties and shorts, going back to my desk. I felt good.

"Okay, now, it is time to practice putting it inside your partner. Sorry, you will practice filling it up with these," he said, producing a small syringe and water. "Sorry," he said when a few people groaned.

With that, the rest of the class had the chance to either shove things in their partner's pussy, or shove things in their own pussy.

Once everyone was done, he continued the lecture or oral.

Pulling up a slide, it showed a diagram of a penis. It looked so...medical. "Here, we have the foreskin. Now, it will depend if the man has been circumcised or not to determine if he has this. Next, we have the glans, or head, of the penis. In uncircumcised men, it will be covered by pink, moist tissue called mucosa. If a man is circumcised, it will be soft, dry skin. At the top is the meatus, or as some people call it, the pee hole. This is the passage for urination and ejaculation of semen." Not like it was anything new, but it hit me again that it was strange that a man pees out of the same hole that he cums.

"Next, we have the shaft of the penis. The dorsal side, or top, of the shaft is two corpus cavernosum. This is a sponge like structure that fills with blood, allowing the penis to become erect. At the bottom, between the corpus cavernosa, is the corpus spongiosum. This prevents the urethra from pinching closed. Otherwise, there would be no viable channel for ejaculation. The urethra runs through the middle of this, and ends at the meatus. Last, we have the base of the penis. This is where it attaches to the body. Under this, we have the testicles. These are housed in the scrotum. You might also recognize them as 'balls'. These are where sperm is created, as well as certain hormones. Between the base of the penis and the scrotum is a small patch of skin. This is a nerve rich place, which means that it will create more sensations for a male."

With that done, he let us study the pictures. "Now, we get down to the action. Although it is called oral sex, it is also good to use touch, our basic lesson, to assist in male stimulation. Now, first things first. Make sure your mouth is nice and moist. Grab a drink. Without moisture, it will be uncomfortable. You can always use edible lube if you prefer. These come in a variety of flavors. Next, while you are giving oral, don't neglect the scrotum. Men enjoy this. Now, I know some of you might be thinking 'Eww, they are ugly' or 'Eww, they are hairy'. If you are, stop it. Don't focus on these, focus instead on how your partner feels. If you love your partner, then it shouldn't matter. The act can be enjoyable for both of you, not just for the guy." He looked around, focusing more on the women than men, to make sure we got the point. "If it bothers you that much, then set up the right atmosphere. Turn off the lights. And women, guys like surprise oral too. When he walks through the door, don't be afraid to ambush him. Or if it is time for him to wake up, well, normally men are already hard, so feel free to take advantage of that fact."

That received some appreciative murmurs from the men in the class.

"So, next, where to target. The most sensitive areas are the meatus, that patch of skin between the scrotum and penis shaft, and the ridge along the base of the head, where the head meets the shaft, especially the bottom. However, just as you don't want your guy to just stay at the same spot, you shouldn't do that either. You should explore the entire penis with both your hands and your mouth. Flicking your tongue across the head of the penis, and around the meatus, will have him squirming. Sucking on that patch of skin will also have him squirming. So, how do we actually give oral to our lover. As I said, make sure your mouth is moist." With this, he turned on a video, a slow motion of a woman giving a man oral. "So, keep that spot active. Wrap your lips around his penis slowly. The warm breath and wet area will excite him. Moisten his entire penis, shaft and all. Pretend it is an ice cream cone. Lick it from top to bottom, bringing parts of it in your mouth as you can. Take his penis in your mouth as far as you can handle without straining. Then, as you come up, make sure your lips are firmly around the shaft. Pretend you are making a duck face, with the side of your mouth pulled in, your lips slightly pursed out. As you do this, breath through your nose. Now, he will start to dry out a bit, with all the rubbing and friction. Form a wad of saliva in your mouth and spit on it. I know, it may sound gross, but most guys will love it."

"Once everything is nice and ready, throw in the hands. Grab the base of the penis and hold tight, then flick the wrist like you are grinding pepper. You can also start attending his balls at this point. Tickle them, hold them in your palm, suck on them when you take a break from his penis. If you squeeze them or tug on them, keep it small. Testicles are easy to damage, and you could leave him gasping in pain, rather than pleasure, by squeezing or pulling too hard. And, you can do real damage to a man. Similar to a man hitting a woman in the stomach." He gave us a moment to let that sink in.

"Now, while you are doing this, make sure your man knows you are enjoying it. They will worry about if you hate giving him oral. If you are enthusiastic, he will enjoy it much more. Softly moan as you take him into your mouth. Also, if you deepthroat him, which we will cover soon, the vibrations in the vocal cords will add to the stimulation. But don't forget to pay attention to what he is feeling. Some guys are not vocal, so you will need to evaluate their expressions. Look up at him, but try to look straight, in case he is looking at you."

"Another thing to try is putting both hands over the shaft, and your mouth over the head. Lick the head, teasing the meatus and the ridge, as your hands twist in opposite directions."

"Next, we will cover a subject that I think many people have strong opinions of. Deep-throating. First, start by relaxing your throat. Get out of your own head. If you are too tense, it will not pass through. Try humming or moaning. It loosens the throat. Take a deep breath through your nose, it will also help decrease that gag reflex. Of course, go at your own pace. He may get excited, and by may, I mean, it is highly likely, especially if he has not experienced it. Don't let him force you beyond your comfort level. Once you have found a comfortable position, start jerking him with one hand, and fondle his balls. Now, for those who refuse to deep-throat, for whatever reason, there is a way to simulate the same effect. Place the tip of your tongue on the roof of your mouth. Then let his member hit the underside of your tongue."

We watched the actors on the screen, doing each act that the teacher described. The actors varied, the recording a splice of lots of little recordings.

"Remember, you can give him a show while you give him oral. Spread your legs, let him fondle your breasts. Place a mirror next to you so he can watch from different angles. Remember, men are more visual, so it will excite him even more. Try different methods of sucking, flicking, licking, twisting, and tugging. Different men will respond differently to the same things, so you need to experiment to see what you lover prefers." We had definitely seen lots of different...techniques, on the screen, and heard the teacher describe each. Then, we saw the girl on the screen swallow as the guys penis pulsed. The camera made it pretty obvious, her throat moving, swallowing, his balls pulling upward, his shaft jerking. "Now, for this last one. We will not do this in class. All men will wear condoms as the women practices. But, swallowing. One thing to remember guys, your semen's flavor will be impacted by what you eat. If you want her to swallow, then watch your diet. According to the Kinsey Institute, fruit, especially citrus, bananas, and papayas, spices, including cinnamon, nutmeg, and peppermint, among others, parsley, wheatgrass, and celery up the flavor of semen. Cigarettes, caffeine, red meat, onions, and garlic make it taste worse. For the women, only do it if you want. The man will enjoy it, so you can't go wrong, and there is no risk of pregnancy. There are still risks of STIs though, so only do it with a partner you feel safe with. If you want to, but do not want to taste it, then try to make sure his penis is as far in your mouth as possible. It is your tongue that tastes, so if you are deep-throating him when he cums, you have little risk of tasting it, other than the residue you remove his penis from your mouth. But, remember, not all guys want to finish in your mouth. About half of all men prefer oral as foreplay to intercourse. So, check with your man on how he wants to do it."

"Now, before you begin the hands on practice," that got a few laughs, "remember. After oral, be careful of the following kiss. This is for both men and women. Some will be okay with it, others will enjoy it. But there are many people who will be grossed out by it. Don't ruin it by trying to kiss them and have them awkwardly avoid you, or worse, flat out reject you. Be mindful of the signs your partner is giving off."

"Okay, practice time. Remember guys, you are required to use a condom. It is between you and your partner on who will put it on, but it needs to be on. Also remember to dispose of it properly, whether you orgasm or not."

Condoms were distributed. I found myself in front of the teacher, slipping a condom over his penis. I unrolled it carefully, then started giving him the blowjob. Fortunately, I managed it better than I had managed the stripping in the previous class, although more awkwardly than I would have with a normal lover, my mind going over all the things he lectured on, trying to make sure I did everything right. There were awkward spots, but in the end, he held a condom full of his semen. I was sort of surprised he was able to finish, especially if male condoms dulled the sensations as much as female condoms, and given he had already climaxed once.

Once everyone was finished, although that didn't mean all the men got to finish, he started the lecture on males giving females oral.

"Women and men differ in the way oral is given, in part because of the physical differences, but also because women enjoy different things than men. A man is fine with a woman immediately sucking on his penis, playing with his scrotum. However, for women, you need to start slower. First, lets go over the vagina and the different parts. First, we have the outer portions, or those which may be exposed during sexual activity. We call this the vulva. First, the have the mons pubis. This is the fatty tissue above the vagina. This is where the pubic hair is located. This area is designed to withstand the pressure put on it while a male is on top of the female in the missionary position, to prevent her from getting hurt. Think of it like a padded protection. It will also produce pheromones that will assist with sexual attraction. Following it down, this area splits into two separate folds of skin, called the labia majora. The labia majora will extend downward and backward from the mons pubis to the perineum, the patch of skin between the base of the vulva and the anus. Next, we have the labia minora. These inner lips protect the urethral opening and the vaginal opening from mechanical irritation, dryness, and infections. At the top of this is the clitoral hood, and the glans clitoris underneath. Below the clitoris area, you will find the urinary meatus. Yes, both men and women have the meatus, the opening for urine. However, while men will also ejaculate from the meatus, women's sexual fluids come from lower down, the vaginal opening and vaginal canal. This is where a man inserts his penis. During intercourse, and of course, other sexual stimulation such as oral, the vagina will secrete mucus to help lubricate the labia to reduce the friction. This prevents pain for both the male and female. The labia minora is a very important area here. During intercourse, they will contribute to the stimulation of a woman, pulling on the clitoral hood and stimulating the glans clitoris. Most of the nerve endings for women are in this out part, the vulva. While many women will experience a kind of pleasure from the feeling of fullness of the vagina, this is more based on mental perceptions, given that once past the outer parts of the vagina, there are very few nerve endings. The vaginal canal has very few nerves. This is one reason many women cannot orgasm due to penetration alone. So guys, sorry, it doesn't matter how long your dick is. Well, unless you hit the top, call the cervix. This does have nerves, and if you hit it with enough force, it will hurt the woman. Sadly, it will not assist with pleasure, so you can just put your twelve inch cocks away, because I doubt you will find a woman who wants that in her." The girls laughed at that, the guys, not so much. I found his reference of guys internet dick comparisons rather funny though.

"So, during oral, it is important to pay attention to the entire vulva. Again, while men prefer you go straight to the action points, women prefer a slower, building process. Do not go straight to her clit and remain there the entire time." He gave a significant look at the men in the class.

"So, first, start with the rest of her. Don't immediately start in on her clit. Try kisses across her body, starting with her lips, working your way down her until you reach her vulva. Now, once you are down there, remember, she will be self conscious. They can have their own odor, excessive discharge, and specific tastes. Remember to let her know that she is beautiful, that you are enjoying this. Now, while men are good with hard and fast immediately, women are not. Take your time, start off slow and gentle, and build the pressure. If you start off with too much pressure it will overwhelm her, and leave her more frustrated, rather than satisfied. Also, as you build up, do not use your teeth. You can hurt her, and ruin the mood instantly."

He wanted to make sure the men got the message, then continued. "So, you have your face between her legs, and are ready to start licking and sucking. Go for the clitoris, but be careful of the pressure, but also feel free to use your hands. Just like women should use theirs while giving a guy a blowjob, a man should use his fingers to increase the stimulation. When you are at the clitoris, you can lick, but also suck on it lightly. You can run your fingers along her labia, either majora or minora, and even go for penetration. When penetrating, again, start slowly. While the vagina will open up more as she becomes more sexually excited, it still wants a warm up period. You can also use your tongue and mouth on her labia, licking the folds, sucking on them. Vary what you are doing during each step. As you use your fingers, there is also a spot inside of many women called the G-Spot. Not all women are sensitive to this though." He paused, then asked me to come up. "Can you please strip below the waist?" He asked quietly. I nodded. Not that I had much choice.

Once I was stripped, he continued discussing. "Now, here, we see the vaginal opening." He spread my labia apart, showing the rest of the class. I found myself yet again embarrassed, on the spot, my pussy spread wide for the entire class to see. I also found myself rather wet, being here in this compromising, public displaying position. "As we insert the fingers, we turn them upward." He demonstrated once, curling his fingers, then pushed them inside me. Not quickly, but steadily, until they were completely buried. "Now, once inside, note how my hand faces upward, towards her mons pubis. I curl my fingers, like I am trying to rub towards here," with that, he pointed just above my mons. "This area is about two to three inches inside the vaginal canal, on the front wall. Some women report nothing, others actually report that it can create more intense orgasms than clitoral stimulation. Now, I will push my two fingers upward, and rub it forcefully. At the same time, you can also give stimulation to the clitoris." He brought his mouth over my clit. I thought it was somewhat strange he told the men not to go straight for it, then did it himself. "And I will start stimulating both." I could feel his breath pass over my pussy. He started sucking, and his fingers started rubbing, inside me. It felt good. Great. Wonderful. His pressure increased on my clit, and I soon found myself squirming, helpless under his experienced mouth and fingers. I could feel the pressure building. He continued, and the pressure built more. I moaned, eyes rolled back, as he worked my pussy. I felt like I was ready to explode. I teetered there, on the edge. Nothing happening. The pressure became unbearable, but no release. I wanted to cry, to shout, to finish. Oh, he was playing my pussy like a pro, but I just couldn't seem to climax. All he did was make the pressure worse. I tried thinking about where I was. About how exposed I was. About how humiliating this was. But my mind could not focus. I sat there, teetering, for what seemed like an eternity. The feeling was too much. Like a balloon that filled with more and more water, forever expanding, but never finding that release. Seconds turned to minutes. Minutes turned to hours. Hours to days. Time stopped having meaning, as it turned from pleasure to torture. Finally, I closed my legs, pushed him away. I could not take it anymore. I sat there panting, wanting release, knowing that I could not get it this way.

He looked at me, asked if I was okay. I could only nod, not speak. I got up, moving to my seat, forgetting to bother putting on my panties and shorts. He stood there, silent for a short time, before turning back and lecturing the class. "You can also stimulate her other ways, using your free hands to play with her nipples. As you saw, and heard, there were definite signs that something was happening. If all you hear is silence, then you are doing it wrong. Soften your approach, try a different spot, things like that. You will know when you start hitting the right spot. Women will normally start shifting themselves as it progresses. This is a natural reaction, trying to get you to that right spot. Don't ignore her, instead, let her guide you."

Pause, then he continued. "So, remember, while you are down there, focus on more than just her clitoris. Slow it down, build it up, and switch it up. All women have different tastes and preferences, so you will need to listen, watch, and think. Take breaks as needed, look her in the eyes, and don't be afraid to let her guide you. This isn't some macho contest, trying to prove you are the best. If you really want to please her, you need to do more than just attack her clitoris and g-spot. She will be insecure, will worry, and will need assurances that everything is okay. Now, we will move on to the practical experience. Will the women make sure you are naked from the waist down?" Everyone else stripped down as I waited. I guess I never really put my clothes back on. Once naked from the waist down, female condoms were gathered. "Same as for the men. Condoms are required. Each partner can discuss how to insert them, the woman, man, or both together. Now, as a learning exercise, women, I know it may be uncomfortable, but you need to actively guide your partner. Do not just hint, or move your hips. Tell him exactly what you like, don't like, and keep him moving as he should. Guys, do not argue, or think you are doing it right. If the woman tells you to do something, do it."

With that, everyone started. I came to the front desk, sitting on the table and spreading my legs for the teacher. "No," he said. "You have already went. I want to talk to you." While everyone else was busy giving or receiving oral, the teacher spoke in a soft voice. "So, can I ask what happened? You seemed like you were about to orgasm, but something happened that prevented it. Was it being on display like that?"

"No," I told him. "We spoke about this before. I have never been able to climax without pain or humiliation."

"But, you did before," he stated, a confused look.

"No, I didn't. I climaxed because of the humiliation, everyone seeing me, getting fucked like that, like a common whore, in front of the entire class. I climaxed because the humiliation was redoubled, when I turned myself into a willing whore for you, in front of everyone, and was further humiliated by not even being allowed to finish. It was the humiliation of the situation, not your actions, that made it possible."

He shook his head. "I still do not buy it. If it was being exposed in front of everyone, and feeling like...that, then why not this time?"

"Oh, you did everything right. Maybe too right. Trying to find myself humiliated didn't work. I couldn't focus, couldn't concentrate. Basically, it was so good that I was not able to actually convince my mind that I was being humiliated. Instead, I was just a woman, with intense pleasure, too intense. Sorry, it is not you. I warned you, I am...not normal..."

I could see from his eyes that he still did not believe that. But, he let it drop, observing the rest of the class. "If you want, you can...fuck me again," I said hesitantly.

"No, the classes are to educate you. Not to take advantage of you." I felt hurt by that. Like he didn't want someone like me. I nodded, then put on my clothes again. The rest of the class continued, the guys licking and fingering, pinching and squeezing, the girls squirming and moaning gasping and grasping. Some finished, others didn't, by the time the teacher told them it was time to stop.

The teacher asked for feedback on the male oral and female oral. The students discussed how they felt, what felt right, wrong, what could be better, and what felt good.

"A few additional points. When aroused, the body can heat up. Using something to cool you down can feel pleasurable. This can work for any, touch, oral, or intercourse. Now women, one thing many guys like is when you give him a close up shot. While he can get stimulation while you are lying down, instead, try having him lay down and lower your vagina down to his face. You will have more control, being able to raise yourself up and having more mobility, and most men will find it more erotic. Also remember, if you want him to go down on you, well, make sure you are willing to go down on him. If he ignores the hints, trying less subtle hinting. Last, we have mutual oral, as most people know it, 69. This can be either one partner on top, or laying on your sides. We will not practice, since we are almost out of time, but I definitely encourage it if you are in an intimate relationship."

I left the class that day, still feeling out of sorts from not being able to finish. So close, yet not complete. It made me feel physically uncomfortable. That night, I found myself at the bar. The man I took home was probably old enough to be my dad, but I made sure he was able to finish me. He didn't seem to mind one bit taking his belt to such a bad little girl.

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