Cook for them

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 03:48, 4 February 2017 by Mleubner (Talk | contribs)

"Or maybe I could cook for you guys, that way no one would be bad for today!" There was a silence moments, then I saw my mom smiled & said to me; "Oh Chris that would be lovely for all of us, thanks Chris!" So everyone is in agreement, I was cooking some eggs, toast, hash brown, & pancakes for everyone, & so we all sat down & having a nice breakfast! ("Good thing I've learned something during class")

Since were done having breakfast; Mom & Lilly went to work, I took Mike & Kate to the school bus stop, & walking towards my High school.

On my way to my school I saw Maiko walking towards me; "Hi Chris!" As I saw her coming towards me I waved back to her & said to her; "Oh hi Maiko."

As we both on are way to school came across Molly. As she notice us coming this way she was waving & calling to us as she walking happily coming to us!

"my it's good to see you Chris!" With a smile on her face. Awkward but confuse little Maiko was looking at me strangely wanted to tell me something?

"Umm! Chris, who is that girl that you talking too?" And the next thing I know that Molly is looking at Maiko too! "Chris why does she walking a gallant man like you with a schoolgirl like her?"

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