On the road to the Kellar estate...

From Create Your Own Story

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The train only takes you so far, the Kellar estate being far off of the normal highways, making you take a carrige ride through the night and the next morning. You are awakened from your sleep by the jostling of the cabin, your eyes greeted with the rolling Scottish hills, covered in dense depressing fog. You peer out into it, feeling it drag you down with it, a hopeless and bitter landscape to be sure. Out here the world feels almost prehistoric again, farms hidden behind the blanket fog, only broken by the occasional rolling stone walls to remind oneself of civilization.

After an hour of the bleak grey world you roll into Kellar Estate, high metal gates opening to greet you. As you step down from the cabin the pallor of recent events reaches even you, the walls of the mansion weedy and the distant sound of anxious horses give the house an anxious feel. You see Mrs. Keller come to meet you, flanked by a pair of servents for your bags. She embraces you with a distant familiarity, her eyes worn and sunken.

"I am so glad you could come Anastasia..." she says with a heavy tone. "William's illness has begun to drag Nigel with him; he hasn't left the bedside since our son was injured...seeing you might do both of them a world of good."

"Anything I can do to help..." you say, hopeful that your words will be of comfort. "What exactly has happened?"

Mrs. Kellar darkens, as if she'd forgotten in these few moments the actual tragedy. "I do not want to speak of it...Nigel will fill you in on our events soon enough, but first let us get you out of this cursed fog. Satan himself delights in tormenting we people of Scotland with it."

She walks into the house and you follow behind; quietly frustrated with the lack of information.

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