...heft a sorceress' staff.

From Create Your Own Story

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You grin, picking up one of the two things you own - your staff. It's longer than you are tall, twisted around at the end, and etched with runes of power. With it, you channel the pure, raw force of magic - not that you really need the staff. It enhances your power, makes it readily available, but if you really needed to you could force out a few spells without exhausting yourself. You grab your satchel and toss it over your shoulder, springing out into the lobby.

Grath has sprawled out on a bench and left his axe leaning up against the wall. The pale, dark-haired warrior gives you an amused smirk, flicking one of his absurdly long warrior's braids out of his face. "Took you long enough."

"Oh, bugger off." You wince. If it were later in the day, you would have thought of a stinging retort, but in your pre-breakfast state, that's the best you can manage. He just shakes his head.

"Right. Are we going to be eating this morning, or will I have to catch my food on the run?"

"Are they still serving?" You wander towards the common room - and yes, there's a large spread of fruit, breads, and the like being picked over by the rest of the travellers who spent the night at the inn. You groan, realizing that the last slice of fresh melon was just grabbed by an elderly elf. After grabbing a few things, you take a seat by Grath and start to nibble.

"Alright, so why are we out here, again?" Ahh, your mission. Enough to bring a smile across your face again.

"I told you already, we're..."

Do you:

Health Still pretty groggy Equipment:

Mystic staff, satchel

MP Yes
Level 1
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