They go without Emma(60 Bi(IE/BM)
From Create Your Own Story
You have just dropped Carl and his boys off at the shack and you are just pulling up at the jetty and tying the boat off, when you notice Emma reading on her porch. You figure you have about thirty six hours alone time and not wanting to waste any you walk on up to her, as you get closer to her you notice she's reading a "Fifty Shades" book, a subject you are quite familiar with and gives you a chance to break in your fully equipped dungeon.
"Hello Emma, the boys arrived safely." She answers you with a barely perceptible nod, you heard the argument last night she wasn't happy about being left alone. "I still don't understand why that's a popular book, most of the women who wanted some bondage and discipline from me wanted to quit after the first spanking."
"Just saying, if you're thinking of doing anything similar don't, it takes someone special to be a sub and you'll not be able to handle it."
You feel pretty confident she'll fall for the bait, everything you've learned about her tell you she's self centered and vain and telling her she can't do something is a sure fire way to get her angry, off guard and not thinking straight, and she doesn't disappoint you.
Jumping to her feet in anger she screams at you.
"You don't know me at all, who I am or what I'm capable of, you're just a dumb nigger who's come in to a bit of money and as forgotten his place." She steps back covering her mouth in horror at what she's just said. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to use that word."
"What you mean is you do want to use that word but society dictates you can't, I may be a nigger but I ain't dumb." She's looking down at her feet now wincing when you used the word nigger. "Okay I'm a reasonable nigger I'll give you one spanking and that will be the end of it."
You grab her arm and move her inside the cabin before sitting down and forcing her over your knee, you bring your hand down hard twice in quick succession once on each ass cheek, she screams loudly even though her clothing will have absorbed much of the blow, you then rub her pussy quickly until she moans before spanking her again. You repeat the process of spanking and stimulating her pussy until she's approaching her orgasm when you push her off your knee onto the floor and stand up.
"Okay we're even." You glance at the clock. "I'm going back to my cabin now, if you want to continue this knock on my door at ten o'clock, you better be on your knees and naked when I answer it or you're not getting in."