Sansa and Jeyne have their turn

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Arya licked her lips, trying to taste the queen on her lips as Cersei turned away. The queen turned towards Sansa and Jeyne who were staring wide eyed.

“Well?” Cersei murmured. “It’s your turn.”

“What?” Jeyne’s eyes grew even wider. “But—we’re both girls and—”

“And I suppose that’s the difference between us,” Cersei said, wrapping a hand around the youngest Stark girl. “You’re both still girls and we are women.”

Arya smiled. At long last she had something that she could hold over Sansa that Sansa cared about! At this moment, all of Arya’s misgivings about Cersei were gone; adoration and desire had taken their place.

Sansa saw Arya’s smile and a look of determination crossed her face. “Jeyne! You heard the queen!” Sansa hissed, grabbing her companion and turning her to face her.

“But, Sansa—!” The oldest Stark girl silenced Jeyne when she pulled her forward and kissed her. Sansa’s kiss was desperate and hard. She wanted to show to Cersei that she knew how to kiss just as well as Arya. Jeyne tensed up, unsure of how to react. She hadn’t thought that this would be the result of following Sansa into the sept after Arya.

Arya watched, biting her lip as Sansa pulled away from her friend. “Jeyne, kiss back!” Sansa commanded before mashing their lips together again, eager to please her audience. Jeyne’s arms shook as she obeyed, kissing Sansa back with far less fervor, but kissing back all the same.

“We did much more than that, didn’t we, Arya?” Cersei whispered loudly. Sansa paused as she pulled away from Jeyne, leaving the other girl breathless. Arya stuck her tongue out teasingly at her older sister.

“Jeyne?” Sansa murmured, turning back to the other girl. “Stick out your tongue.” Jeyne obediently opened her mouth, sticking out her tongue. Sansa leaned forward, her mouth opening as her tongue snaked out, touching Jeyne’s. While both girls appeared apprehensive about it at first, they both quickly started to enjoy it, holding each other closer as they touched each other with lips and tongues.

Arya’s heart was thumping in her chest like a stallion galloping at full speed down the King’s Road. She didn’t think that she liked girls the way that she liked boys, but the kiss with Cersei and watching her sister aggressively kissing Jeyne Poole was making her feel the same tingles between her legs that she got around certain…men. The effect was not lost on the queen.

“Well, my little wolf,” she whispered into Arya’s ear. “Do you think that they are good enough at kissing?”

What does Arya say?


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