Try talking him down

From Create Your Own Story

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"Take it easy pal," you say. "Let's not do anything crazy."

"Fuck you! This bitch owes me some answers." The man then turns back to the fortune teller and pulls her head back harder.

You put your hands up in an attempt to be as non-threatening as possible. It's been a long time since you were in any kind of actual physical confrontation, and you have no desire to pick a fight with a knife-wielding maniac. Of course, you can't just stand back and watch, either. You take a small step forward and say, "OK buddy, let's all try and relax a bit."

The man half turns in your direction, this time pointing the knife at you. "I told you to get the fuck..."

That was all she needed. With the knife no longer at her neck, the gypsy woman thrusts a knee hard into the man's groin. He immediately drops the knife and crumples to the ground. The woman stands over him, staring down with venom in her eyes. "Bulangui," she says in disgust, and spits at the man now groaning on the ground. You spot the knife on the ground near your feet and casually pick it up.

The fortune-teller glances over at you, then looks back down at the man lying at her feet. "No go, and do not come back again," she says. "If you return I shall become quite upset."

The man slowly pulls himself off the ground and stands mostly up. Obviously still in pain, he looks at the woman with a combination of anger and fear. Then he turns and shuffles out of the tent.

After a couple moments of silence, the gypsy turns to you. Now that you can concentrate, you see that she is truly an exotic woman. Her jet black hair matches perfectly with her olive skin. Though you can see her clearly, she it is impossible to judge her age. Her face is exquisite, with not a wrinkle or blemish to be seen. But looking into her eyes reveals a deep wisdom that only comes with age.

"Are you alright?" you ask.

She regards you for a moment, than smiles and replies "I am fine, my Lord. Thank you for your assistance."

The woman walks up to you and stretches out her hand. "My name is Monisha. What is your name, my Lord?"

You take her hand and reply simply, "Michael."

Monisha brings up her hand and presses it gently against your chest.

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