Hyde Road – Mistyhill Creek

From Create Your Own Story

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Mistyhill Creek is a small town nestled at the foot of the Harkfort Mountains, a fairly small town with a small commercial hub consisting primarily of a main street that runs down it's center about 2 miles long. Beyond that it is a sprawling collection of sub-urban dwellings and town houses and further out small holdings. The community was built around the forestry industry that covers the lower slopes of the mountains, although the industrial elements of the town are in an adjacent valley. The town overlooks a small river that comes down from the mountains.

It should not be overly obvious at the start of the story but Mistyhill Creek is quite literally a ghost town. This is unknown to the Carla or Gavin at the start of the story but it should become more obvious to them the longer they remain in the town especially should they be in the town overnight.

The premise is that for reasons, Carla and Gavin have entered an alternate dimension or "twilight zone" version of the town, the principle difference is that the towns occupants are all ghosts of the town, which are oblivious to the living version of the town, but something has brought these two worlds together. This is why although this is Carla's home town she doesn't recognize anyone, and no-one seems to remember her. Be mindful that the average resident of Mistyhill for the most part is unaware of their condition. Typically they will approach a situation the way a normal person would with the exception of when they are reminded of how they died.

The story starts in a small coffee shop on the main road through the town, Cafe 'L Casa. Opposite it is the oldest building in the town, the Royal Rose Hotel. The single main road through the town is lined with street lamps which are always on. Cars are parked parallel to it for much of it's length although there should be no cars driving up and down the street besides that of the story characters. The streets for the most part are devoid of human or animal life.

The town has no traffic lights and no functioning televisions.

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