Get up, steel your nerves, and help Claire.

From Create Your Own Story

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You swallow your fear and your doubt for a moment, realizing Claire is right. You get to your feet, trying not to think about the dead woman. Taking hold of her wrists, and Claire taking hold of her ankles, you drag her just out the door. Leaving her outside, you head back in, and Claire locks up the door tight behind you. It's a heavy steel door with two padlocks and a chain, and it looks as safe as you could get.

The office is about ten foot wide and fifteen feet deep, with a singular desk, a small water cooler in the back corner, and two doors at the back. One is labeled "closet" and the other "restroom." Claire checks them both immediately as you slump to the floor, staring at the blood stain left by the woman you've just killed.

You know it had to be done. Still, you've never actually killed anyone before. Maybe Claire's boyfriend, but that was different. You weren't sure. You were outright defending yourself. This woman, even though infected with whatever the hell is getting to people, was unable to defend herself, and you killed her. What if there was a cure? What if the disease, or infection passed? What if-

"Hey," Claire interupted your train of thought, crouching down in front of you. "Look at me," she says. "I know that must have been difficult as hell, but you don't have time to feel guilty, okay? She had whatever everyone is getting, and she would have hurt us, or given us the disease. You did what had to be done."

You nod. You know it's true. It's just difficult to face the idea of ending someone's life.

"There are a couple of rain jackets in the closet back there. We need to get out of these wet clothes. We can't take any chances."

"I think that's an old wives tale, that you get sick from wet clothes," you say, sighing softly, trying to push the thoughts from your mind.

"You really want to risk it?"

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