WSG/Chapter 2 - Molerats
From Create Your Own Story
Molerats! Are they moles? Or rats? Or frogs? Well, not frogs, but I don't really know what they are.
So, they like living underground, and when something moves above ground, they pop out of their holes and attack!
I sent my co-author armed with two things: A molerat repellent and a molerat pheromone.
The end conclusion is: Use the repellent. My co-author was found with her clothes ripped to shreds, covered by sticky stuff, and lots of sleeping molerats when she tried the pheromones. She still refuses to tell me what happened...
Her comment on the repellent was: "I don't think it works like you hoped. The mole rats all died."
I guess that is why she tried the pheromones a different time?
Anyways, find the plans for the repellent in this book so you can either build it yourself or ask your local arms dealer to build it.
When I ask her comment on the pheromones, she just stares at me with a horrified expression on her face. The chemical plans can also be found in this book. Please report back to me on the results, since I am not getting anything out of the Lone Wanderer...
Note from co-author: DO NOT USE THAT PHEROMONE!!!!! DON'T EVEN TRY!!!!!
Note from author: Sorry about that...I don't know what has gotten into her. Anyways, let me know the results if you try and come out this way. I think I still have some jet around here I could give you for your troubles.