Leaving/Janet/Chop wood for Kay

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You head out the door and find, as promised, a large ax next to a felled tree.

You start by chopping the large branches off, then stripping the smaller ones off those.

"We'll leave the body of it for next time," Kay calls. "Just split the branches and stack them by the door."

"Got it," you grunt, hefting the ax and starting to split the largest branch. After several hours, you've finished your task, including stacking the wood in a good-sized pile near to the front door.

"Well, done, Janet," Kay smiles, removing some of the wood you've split to stoke the cookstove. You proceed inside, exhausted, pick a book from the shelf and lie on your bed.

"I need to wash up," you tell Kay.

Kay grabs a bucket, fills it with water and begins heating it while she fetches soap and a sponge. "Of course. You worked very hard out there. Strip and step outside. As you may have noticed, there are no neighbors within miles. I'll have this heated in a jiffy, and then I can wash you. Or you could wash yourself."

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