"That's up to her. Either here or in my village, her choice."

From Create Your Own Story

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You open your mouth to speak, but are interrupted by the clanking of armor behind you. You quickly scoop Mathilda into your arms, pick up the fallen knife and whirl around to face the danger. You brandish the knife in as threatening a manner as you can manage.

"Easy, runt," comes a familiar voice. "It's just us."

You breathe deeply and set the knife back on the floor. Your three brothers remove their helmets and smile at you.

"Let's get them moved into the families' quarters," your brother of strength says.

Five more orcs, friends of your family, emerge from the shadows outside. In minutes, your mate's family is ready to be moved.

"Where are we going?" Mathilda's father asks.

"Runt here chose your daughter as his mate," one of your brothers of strength explains. "So, since you are her family, we'll take care of all your needs from now on."

"That's not how orcs behave!" Mathilda's mom growls. "They capture, torture, kill and eat humans!"

"Who filled your head with that nonsense?" one of the orcs helping out laughs. "We're probably the least violent, most civilized race on the planet."

"But..." Mathilda's mom stammers. "I... my dad... he fought orcs for years..."

In the meantime, you remove Mathilda's dress and as you carry her back towards the village, very gently mate with her. She gives you a soft smile. You make her climax five times before filling her.

After you finish, you carry her in your arms, cradling her against your chest. She wraps her arms around you, sighs contentedly and snuggles against you.

Your brothers turn Mathilda's family over to the orcs in charge of the families' quarters, and they receive a spacious, well-stocked hut. Mathilda's mom looks amazed.

"I'll bring her by to visit at least once a week," you tell them. You carry Mathilda in your arms and quickly show her around the village, then carry her inside the house and up to your room, where you lie on the bed and hold her. She presses against you.

Health Horny, mated to Mathilda Equipment:


Experience Low
HP 100
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