Piggy's Day/Think logically

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< Piggy's Day
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You try with all your might to think logically, to no avail.

Piggy: "Dang, this isn't working at all."

You instead opt to just looking around. You then see one employee getting out of the sauna, and heading to their cabinet.

Piggy: "Excuse me sir, can you help me find the way out?"

The scientist takes a look to your direction, and sees a talking pig, walking on the ceiling. He blinks about three times, frowns, and leaves with an expression that seems to say: "That's it. I'm quitting LSD." You are left in complete bafflement at the man's indifference.

Piggy: "Right, so that didn't work."

Suddenly, you feel a noose being thrown around your head. As the exchange with the other scientist was transpiring, the first scientist was climbing up the elevator shaft.

Scientist: "A-ha! Gotcha."

Piggy: "Gah!"

She tries to wrangle you around, but being a scientist and not a weightlifter, cannot get your 1000-pound ass to move. To escape the strangling sensation of the noose, you start running around on the ceiling. Unfortunately, you then fall into an air vent. The scientist is unable to hold on as you fall upwards. The other end of the rope gets stuck in a pipe, and you are hanged.


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