Piggy's Day/You will fall for it

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However, about three minutes in you find yourself furiously reading through one of them.

Piggy: "Let's see. 'You find a wallet on the street, and you notice it has the owner's name and adress. Do you return the wallet to it's owner? If yes, read on - if no, move to page 15.' I'm going to keep the wallet to myself. Screw the police!"

You turn to page 15.

Piggy: "The police comes, and blows up your ass. That's gotta be a translation error."

You then turn the book around to inspect it's back cover, and notice a sticker saying "Made in China"

Piggy: "Oh, nevermind, then."

Grudgingly you venture back upstairs.

Piggy: "Bah! I've made no use of this day whatsoever! Although, it is only 2 pm...."

You decide to go:

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