Leta gives Stacy her wish

From Create Your Own Story

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Both of you gawk at her. "...The fuck?" Stacy manages. You tend to agree. Hidden beneath Leta's robe was a 13 inch cock, which looks almost ridiculous standing out from her body. She has huge, weighty breasts and a voluptuous, thickset body.

"Now, to complete the ritual," Leta says. "I must inject you with my seed so that the transformation may begin."

"How the hell is that thing supposed to fit?" Stacy asks with undisguised terror in her voice and eyes.

"Worry not about that, my child," says Leta. "My powers will keep you from feeling even the slightest pain during the ritual. You will only enjoy unimaginable pleasure. I will need your lover's assistance. His seed is required for this, either in me or in you, it matters not."

"I'm not sure which is worse," says Stacy. "The idea of him double pen-ing me with your ridiculous cock or him fucking you." Leta seems a bit insulted.

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