Ask to lick Lynette's balls

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In spite of your shame (or maybe because of it?) you start to yearn for more. Lynette's nice round balls sway below you, and you manage to free your mouth long enough to say. "Can I lick those?"

Lynette looks down at you, then follows your eyeline. She smirks. "Warming up to this pretty fast, huh? Yeah, sure, wash my chocolate balls."

Officer Perry pushes your head down a bit further, and Lynette bends her shaft up and back to give you access. You lick at her slightly fuzzy sac, and your face gets pushed further into her scrotum by Shauna's fucking. You nuzzle the full, churning balls and then suck one of them into your mouth. "Fuuuuucckkk," exhales Lynette "That's good." You hold the testicle in your mouth, squeezing and lapping it with your tongue. Then you repeat with the other ball. She pushes up through the bars, and you lick her undercarriage, paying special attention to her taint. The whole time, she furiously jerks herself off, but your cuffed hands can reach her now, and you awkwardly start to tug on her saliva-wetted cock. At that moment:

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