
From Create Your Own Story

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And... POOF!

Just like that, you find yourself back on your couch at home in front of the television. Sitting down, you switch the TV on hoping to find a reference to the bizzare thing you've wished for... and a good show. Instead, you're rewarded with watching the presidential state of the union.

You see the same face you've seen on TV just yesterday! But now he seems... different. You hear yourself unconsciously whisper, "Mmm, that president looks very tasty."

Alas, he reaches his podium and speaks: "As the current president, I will be making changes as soon as possible. I have announced a decree yesterday that has passed and is effective right after this address. So let me get some things straight right now. The ruling is: all men and women not working in politics will be not be allowed to wear clothing. Meanwhile, all government officials will have a change in uniform. Public nudity is mandatory. Anyone who disobeys this law will not only be fined over one-million dollars, but also to be punished accordingly..."

This is definitely bizarre, you think to yourself. "Genie, you there?"

"I am," says a voice in the background.

"This place... isn't reality, right?"

"It is," says the genie. "As long as you wish it weren't."

You don't want to waste your wish on simply cancelling your other ones, but this new decree makes you hesitant. Maybe if you wish for something else to make it easier to accept this?

So you say:

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