VRX 9000: Sex Games / Skip to the Bonus Round(B)

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VRX 9000: Sex Games

The Winter Cabin: Multiplayer

Battle Royale: Bonus Round


The Battle Royale concludes as the last few girls bring in and claim their slaves. Mindy walks in Alyssa and Melissa and claims them at her couch, Melissa looking absolutely destroyed with Alyssa following looking used with an embarrassed look on her face. A few minutes after Dana leads Leslie and Kinsey over to the last couch, Kinsey looking mostly out of it with a gaze that stares into nothing with permanently red cheeks of embarrassment from what she had just done. Leslie doesn't meet anyone's gaze as she is walked in as well, humiliated beyond words on what she has had to do so far during the game wanting no one to even look at her.

Once all four teams are brought in and officially claim the game continues with the next phase. "All teams have now been accounted for. Amanda has claimed Kelsey and Rebecca. Cameron has claimed Hillary and Lena. Mindy has claimed Alyssa and Melissa. Dana has claimed Leslie and Kinsey. You should now look over your competition to see what is in store for you in the future." Everyone takes a good look around then, sizing everyone up for a moment.

After sizing everyone up the girls all indicate they are ready to start. The mistresses are then told to remove all clothing, items, and restraints from their slaves and put handcuffs on each of them. Once done, everyone glances around at the couch positions of each player. Amanda is on the southern couch with Rebecca and Kelsey as slaves. Dana is on the eastern couch with Leslie and Kinsey as slaves, Cameron is on the western couch with Hillary and Lena as slaves, and lastly Mindy is on the northern couch with Alyssa and Melissa as slaves.

The game speaks up. "The game is about to start in earnest, but before it does I will award bonus points based off of how things turned out in the Battle Royale in a bonus round." Everyone seems interested in that, not expecting it and not knowing what the bonus points will do for them. "Bonus points will be explained as you gain enough of them and kept track at the bottom of the screen. Click 'next' when you are ready for the bonus points to be awarded."

"Oh, bonus points? Damn this game just keeps getting better and better!" Dana says with a smile, looking over all of the slaves biting her bottom lip idly wondering what she would do with the ones she hadn't gotten to yet.

"Bonus points are awarded as follows. First to claim two slaves goes to: Amanda."

Amanda just looks smug, glancing around at the other mistresses. "I mean business. You three are going to have a game on your hands."

"Shit talking already?" Cameron says with a grin. "I think i'll make it my mission to see you fucked now." Amanda just gives Cameron a cold look in return.

The game continues. "Most cruel mistress goes to: Amanda."

Amanda turns over to Hillary and gives her a smug look. "You better hope I don't get a hold of you. I'd love to break in your trailer park ass. I'd love to see how loud you can scream."

Cameron just rolls her eyes and leans back to put an arm around both of her slaves. "Not my problem if you treat your property like trash. I get my little sluts to obey in other ways."

"Mistress with slaves with the best breasts goes to: Cameron."

"You can say that again." Dana says, looking over Hillary's massive tits along side Lena's super firm and also rather large tits. "I might have to get my hands on one of them later.

"Dang, I thought having Melissa would win that one for me." Mindy says, pulling Melissa onto her lap to squeeze Melissa absolutely perfect, soft, and large breasts. "But I guess Alyssa is lacking, but she has other attributes I can't say no to." Mindy finishes with a smile as Melissa just bites her lips embarrassed to be used in front of everyone like this.

"Mistress with slaves with the best ass's goes to: a tie between Mindy and Dana."

The two girls both look and grin at each other, both happy with the success of the other. "Nice!" Mindy says, and the two get up to do a quick high five which the other girls just roll their eyes at. "See, I told you Alyssa brings in some other attributes." Mindy says, leaving Melissa's breasts alone for a moment to reach over and grab Alyssa's ass.

Dana on the other hand sits back down to sit on Kinsey's lap positioned on the side of the couch and leans forward to make out with Kinsey, kissing her over and over as Dana slides a hand down to squeeze on of her tits. "Good job pet." She says seductively before taking her slave's lips again. Kinsey just blushes but closes her eyes and kisses back, not having much of a choice in the matter.

"Most creative mistress goes to: Cameron."

Cameron just gives Amanda a sneer at that and turns to take both of her slave's cheeks and inspects both of them one by one. "What can I say, I know how to break these little sluts. And hell, I like to have a little fun with it." Cameron then lets go of both of them then slaps one of Lena's breasts hard making the girl sulk and cry out a little in pain, obviously not happy with her position as a slave.

"Mistress with the best style against her slaves goes to: Dana."

Dana stops making out with Kinsey to give a small bow with a bit of a giggle. "Thank you, thank you. I give free lessons if anyone is interested." Dana adds with a seductive wink.

"Most underhanded mistress goes to: Amanda."

Everyone is a little surprised by the answer, but then everyone realizes that none of the mistresses were very underhanded during the game and some small little action somewhere likely tipped it in favor of Amanda. Amanda looks over at Cameron then, the two quickly becoming rivals, and gives her an unafraid look. "Watch it, bitch." She adds with a smile. Cameron just glares.

"Now to award points to the slaves." The game continues.

"Wait, the slaves get points?" Mindy asks, confused and frowning.

"Makes sense to me." Dana says, running a hand down to slide two fingers up Kinsey's pussy as she sits on her lap making Kinsey give an embarrassed moan. "None of use would have agreed to play if we all didn't have a chance once the game started." Dana starts to finger fuck Kinsey under her bikini making her shift and moan softly completely embarrassed, Dana nipping at her lips teasingly over and over. "We just have to make sure we get more point than they do." Dana adds, finally pulling away from Kinsey to look back at everyone.

"Slave that has endured the most goes to: Leslie."

Dana laughs at that then turns over to look at her other slave. "Yay, my slave one the first one. Although I just can't imagine why." Dana says with a mischievous grin which makes Leslie look away absolutely horrified with despair.

"I guess that little bitch was forced to eat one too many holes." Amanda says with a laugh which makes Leslie give her a dirty look.

"Slave who counters her mistress the most goes to: Alyssa."

Mindy looks over at Alyssa then, putting an arm around her. "Oh, is that so? I guess I wasn't very hard on you." Mindy says with a smile. "Yeah, I can see it."

"Better watch out." Amanda says, looking over at the two. "You have to snip that right in the bud." Mindy just nods, not sure if she'll take the advice or not.

"Best looking slave pair goes to: Rebecca and Kelsey."

Amanda just looks smug at that, grabbing both of her slaves hair to make them arch their backs to show them off. "I went after the best looking ones and I got them. Too bad the little sluts get points for it." Amanda finishes, tossing them back roughly by the hair against the couch.

"Most captors escaped: Kinsey."

"Hah, that is right. Kinsey got caught by Lena, but then I stole her, and then Dana forced me out of her. Well played." Cameron says with a laugh, looking over at Dana's play toy Kinsey.

Dana just smirks, still fingering Kinsey making her really start to gasp and moan now, extremely embarrassed. "I think she ended up in the right spot."

"Slave with the worst luck goes to: Lena." No one is surprised by that as they turn to look at the very sour looking Lena trying to avoid everyone's gaze but still look proud. Lena had managed to capture two slaves and even had somewhat of an alliance with Dana, another mistress. She was all set to be a mistress in a great position until Cameron managed to capture her.

"Most underappreciated slaves goes to: Alyssa and Kelsey."

"She does have a nice ass." Amanda says, grinning and looking at Mindy's slave Alyssa. "Stop playing with you little toy Melissa and show us that ass."

Mindy grins, pushing Melissa off of her to go over and turn Alyssa around and beds her over the couch making her spread her ass for everyone to see. "This ass is mine everyone!" Mindy says with a grin, getting a small laugh out of the other mistresses. Alyssa just blushes, very embarrassed.

"And apparently I am not paying enough attention to you." Amanda finishes, looking back to her own slaves grabbing Kelsey to throw her over her lap. "I'll have to fix that." The next second Amanda slaps Kelsey's ass hard making Kelsey gasp. Amanda then just continues to idly spank Kelsey as the game continues.

"You see, I appreciate both of you." Dana says, finally pulling off of Kinsey to corner Leslie against the other side of her couch. "Lick it up, Leslie." Dana says, forcing her fingers between Leslie's lips covered in Kinsey's juices. Leslie just gags softly, extremely humiliated as she is forced to clean Dana's fingers in front of everyone.

"And lastly, the two randomly generated points go to: Alyssa and Hillary."

"I think the game likes your ass too." Mindy says with a pleased smile, finally pulling Alyssa back from showing off her ass.

Cameron looks over to Hillary then and smirks running her hands around her slave to squeeze both of her massive breasts. "Oh look, my blonde bimbo over here is getting some love as well. You want everyone staring at your massive tits you dumb cheerleader bitch?" Cameron says degrading Hillary who just looks away, gasping as Cameron presses in her nipples with her fingers.

"Yes, mistress..." Hillary mutters, still trying to be smart and do as her mistress asks. No reason to insight her wrath at any point. Hillary is too competitive not to play smart. Lay low until you get the advantage.

Amanda just mutters on her couch. "This game is rigged. Although I guess I'm glad neither of my slave got those, I can't have them thinking they have a chance to get out of their situation."

"Now that all bonus points are awarded, there are two players that have reached three points. At three points your first reward unlocks. Amanda, mistress, may now have her way with any slave for a small duration of time. On the other side Alyssa, slave, has reached three as well unlocking her first reward. Alyssa may now have her way with any other slave for a small duration of time. After the two reward are taken we will commence with the first turn."

"Oh hell yeah." Amanda says, looking around. "Any slave huh? I can get used to winning. I think I'll pick before you Alyssa, no offense to your fat ass." Alyssa just blushes deeply at that when Amanda gets a few laughs, even from some of the slaves. Amanda glances around then finally finds the obvious answer. "Well, I think I'll put down a little dominance. Your slaves are not free from me, bitch. I choose Lena." Amanda says.

"Bitch!" Cameron says, obviously not happy. "Watch your back, Amanda."

"Too bad, whore." Amanda says, sitting up to grab Lena by the hair. "We'll be on one of the king sized beds if anyone needs me. Come knock when the time is up." Amanda then drags the very reluctant Lena off who just gives a very annoyed look, horrified at being in the slave position and somehow getting between Cameron and Amanda.

"Ok, who do you pick Alyssa?" Mindy says. "And... here go the handcuffs. For now." Mindy adds, taking off her handcuffs with a small frown. Alyssa tests her freedom then, glad to be released and feeling extremely lucky to manage to

Alyssa looks around nervously then, glancing at all the slaves. Some seem to avoid her gaze, not wanting to get fucked, while others seem to want to get picked holding with eye contact desperate to escape their mistress. Eventually Alyssa brings back deciding to establish dominance. "I choose Melissa." Melissa looks up in shock, not expecting to be chosen and just loses hope at Alyssa small smirk. Alyssa enjoyed being a mistress for what small time she was one. While playing with Leslie again would be fun, breaking in her slave-mate sounds even better. Alyssa wants to show Melissa who the dominant slave in the relationship is going to be right off the bat.

"Done!" Dana says. "Where to?"

Mindy frowns, relinquishing her other slave suddenly feeling a little left out as her two slaves both leave her couch. "Um." Alyssa says, looking around. She doesn't want anyone to watch. "I think I'll take one of the bunk-bed rooms." Everyone nods and Alyssa takes Melissa's leash after grabbing a small bag full of items and walks off leading her to one of the bunk-bed rooms with a small smirk.

Dana turns back after watching both of their ass's leave, then looks over to Mindy and Cameron. "You two want to fuck one of Amanda's slaves while she isn't watching?"

Mindy, sad that both her slaves are gone, quickly agrees and after Cameron looks over Rebecca for a few moments she grins mischievously and agrees. The three all stand then and move over to fuck Rebecca.


In-depth Stories:


Which scenario do you pick?


Mistress Point Sheet:

Cameron: 2

Amanda: 3*

Dana: 1

Mindy: 1


Slave Point Sheet:

Rebecca: 1

Kelsey: 2

Alyssa: 3*


Hillary: 1

Lena: 1

Leslie: 1

Kinsey: 1

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