Daycare - Katie is taken to a secluded room by the kids to be played with

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Condition Horny but embarrassed Apparel and Items: Shirt, Miniskirt, Bra, Panties, and High Heels
Day, Time Monday, late morning
Need to Bathroom Starting to get worse
Level of Humiliation Humiliated at her situation

Katie found herself entering a small janitor's room by the looks of it. It was pretty clean for being a cleaning supplies closet. The white tiles still were brilliantly white and the walls were equally so. There were some supplies over in the corner, but most of the room was clear except for a drain pit covered by a grate, a table, and several chairs. Besides the door which was solid without a window, there were a line of tinted windows looking down over the back lawn of the daycare which was quite massive. There was a gardener out back watering plants and a hill with trees further away. Katie guessed that most of the kids stayed inside during the day.

"Hey we want our anatomy lesson now!" Josh demanded, interrupting her thoughts.

Katie turned to face them "I thought you had your next activity soon?"

"No lunch is next, and we have a half hour before we are supposed to be there." John answered.

"Yeah now you have to listen to us!" Matthew spoke up, pointing a finger at her "And we want our anatomy lesson now!"

Katie started getting more nervous. The way the boys had acted during swimming class was bad enough, but she had been able to cover herself relatively quickly. Now they want her to show herself off to them! They were so perverted! The boys sat down in the chairs in the room while Katie stood in front of them in front the window.

"Ummm, okay. Well women are a lot like men, we have the same number of arms, legs, fingers, teeth, bones..." Katie was cut off.

"I thought women have more bones than men!" Josh spoke up.

"Uh, no. I have the same number of bones as any man my age." Katie replied, her high school biology class coming in handy.

"This is boring! We want to know how we are different!" Matthew told her with a frown.

"Well, women have special body parts. Two of those are breasts." Katie told them, awkwardly pointing to her breasts.

"Show us!" the boys demanded of her.

"You already know what they look like!" Katie shot back with a frown.

"And feel like, but we don't know much about them! You're supposed to listen to us!" Matthew reminded her.

"Fine!" Katie shot back, turning red-faced as she started unbuttoning her shirt. A few seconds later, Katie was left with her shirt on the ground, with only a bra to cover her breasts.

"More! Or we are telling on..."

"FINE!" Katie yelled, popping her bra off and throwing it in the face of Josh "Happy!?"

"Yeah! Oh you should take your heels off, so we can see more easily." John told her.

Katie slipped out of her heels and put them next to her shirt, her breasts jiggling around as she moved which made the boys giggle. Katie wanted to cover her boobs, but remembering her deal, she crossed her arms under her breasts.

"I heard boobs have milk, do yours?" Matthew asked.

"No, I won't until I have a baby." Katie replied, unable to believe that she was being forced to answer such ridiculous questions.

"Hey, why are your nipples hard?" John suddenly spoke up.

Katie looked down to see that they were poking out quite obvious. She hadn't even noticed because she had been busy being embarrassed by disrobing and being questioned.

"I uh..." Katie was caught off guard.

"Hey I heard nipples stiffen when you get turned on! You like this!" Josh yelled at her.

"Wait a minute! The... floor is cold!" Katie stammered. She wasn't wrong, the floor really was cold, in fact her uniform covered so little that she had been borderline freezing in the cool air conditioning of the daycare. The boys ignored her, laughing amongst themselves that she was getting turned on. After several minutes of Katie silently storming, the boys turned back to her.

"We want to see your pussy!" they suddenly spoke up.

"Hey! I am jus..." Katie started speaking up when the boys seemed to finally have enough. Katie was suddenly stormed by the three boys. Matthew push back on her arms while Josh and John grabbed her skirt and panties by the waistband. Before Katie could speak up, they yanked her clothes down to her ankles. Once again she was stripped naked in front of the boys. They backed off with her clothes in hand, dropping them down in the pile with her skirt and shoes. Katie was speechless, red-hot, and desperately covering herself.

Daycare - The boys ask Katie to masturbate for them

Daycare - The boys ask Katie to demonstrate how women use the bathroom

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