William's Mall Escort - William's tag football team had found them, and the coach is rather upset

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Condition Slightly Annoyed Apparel and Items: Dark Green Hoodie, Pink Bra (In Her Backpack), Jeans
Day, Time Saturday Morning
Need to Bathroom A Little
Level of Humiliation None

"Excuse me, but are you Chelsie? William's older brother?" the coach asked her.

"Uh yeah." Chelsie replied, rubbing her eyes.

"Why were you sleeping out here? You should have been looking for the group. You are supposed to be taking care of them for the rest of the day. Are you sure you are up for this?" the man asked, more than a little annoyed at her apparently laziness.

"Yes, I was just resting when I happened to fall asleep. I can look after them." Chelsie answered, pointing to the couple dozen kids assembled behind the coach, including William.

The coach glared at her, but didn't press the point any further. The man appeared to just want to get on with his own day, and mouthing off to the teenager didn't seem high on his priorities. The man started to walk away when he suddenly turned back.

"And remember! You need to pay for their food too!"

"What!?" Chelsie yelled back in surprise, although the coach didn't hear her as he was already walking away.

Chelsie turned back to the two dozen boys with her with disdain. She wasn't even sure that she had enough money to pay for all their food, how was she supposed to look after them for the next five hours? She was reminded of her clothing problem too when she felt the cold tiles beneath her and the denim rubbing her butt and labia. Even her nipples were starting to harden from the lack of shoes, giving her only seconds before they would become quite obvious.

"Umm, William what do you want to do first?" Chelsie asked him.

"Well, we were thinking about visiting the games store!" he answered.

"Fine, lead the way there." Chelsie replied quickly, hoping to get the attention of the boys off of her as quickly as possible.

Chelsie followed behind them, continuously reminded of her lack of clothing.

"I wonder where those clothes went? Chelsie you really shouldn't tempt the boys, they are only middle schoolers after all!" the voice taunted her.

"Hey, you stay quiet!" she demanded of the voice, keeping her mouth shut to makes sure her response didn't come into the real world.

"We'll see who has the last laugh here." the voice warned, drifting back into her subconscious.

William's Mall Escort - Chelsie resists the voice, but the boys convince her to spend her money on games for them

William's Mall Escort - The voice convinces Chelsie to find a secluded spot in the gaming store to masturbate

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