Fight the remaining axemen

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 17:33, 1 October 2015 by Jidaelle (Talk | contribs)
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Two against one will hardly be fair. It's too bad they don't have more men with axes daring to threaten me.

The two axemen brandished their weapons before charging at me, hollering out their battle cries as they closed the distance between us. I sidestepped to the left, ducking under the man's swing as I slashed him across his right side. The man sputtered in pain as I rounded on his companion, who turned around to block my blow with the steel of his axe. +2 health.

His ally cupped a hand to his side, analyzing the wound before advancing on to me, attempting to flank me with his ally. We can't have that now can we.

Before he could get into position I dove at the axeman in front of me, slipping through his swing and driving my blade into his chest. He coughed fresh blood onto leather shirt, and my instinctive response was to kick him swiftly in the groin to force him off of my sword. +2 health.

His ally brought his axe around and struck me in the back, though I managed to weave out to avoid the brunt of the force. -7 health. I gasped in pain as I whirled around to block the back swing of his axe, and as I danced closer towards him, we met steel against steel. With a resounding blow I caught him off guard, and slashed his chest open. I silenced his cries with a quick stab to the heart. +4 health,

Blood stained my clothes, and a distant part of me, the part that bothered with appearances, was deeply disgusted. But not enough of me cared as I dined upon their remains.

It's been so long since I've tasted the sweet tang of blood. Though these sour men were no fine course meal, they would do quite nicely.

You are healed back to full health.

You have gained 40 xp and 6 Gold for killing the bandits.

Now, the question is, what do I do now? The hour was growing late, and already the sun was starting to set.

Ryd Status
Health 30 Equipment:

Sword, Leather Shirt



Mana 0
Level 1 Love Interest None
Gold 6 Experience 40
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