Lucas and Mila?

From Create Your Own Story

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'Unf, heelo?' A thick Romanian accent fills the phone. 'Hey Mila, remember me?' 'Aah, hey hotshot, and for thee last time, Ooh yeah just like that! it's pronounced Meela, Mee-Lah'. Her speech is constantly interrupted by grunts and moans of what obviously is pleasure. 'I was calling to see if you and Lucas would like to hang out? catch up on lost time?' 'Ooh, OOh YES! I, I mean sure hotshot, that'd bee great! come over to our place when you're read- OHMYGOD Aah, Aah YES!' the phone cuts off as Mila presumably orgasmed; un-fazed by the conversation you prepare to visit your friends. You grab your wallet and keys as you put on some clothes, a shirt that's a little to tight and a pair of jeans that 'enhance' your package nicely.

after a short time of driving you come to a stop outside their house, you walk up their brick driveway and ring the doorbell as the sounds of frantic rustling and running occur from inside, every now and then you'd hear a curse until the door finally opens up and you are greeted by:

Furry Status
Health 98 Equipment:

Phone, Wallet, Keys, Clothes

Gender Male
Species Lion
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