Ask Nancy for a sponge bath

From Create Your Own Story

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"Certainly, sir!" Nancy says.

She gets a small tub of luke-warm water and a little sponge. She closes the privacy curtain around your bed and removes your hospital gown, leaving you naked, save for your casts. She wets the sponge and rubs it slowly up and down your legs, then back and forth across your chest. Her fingers feel so nice when they brush across your skin...

Nancy comes to your penis. She drops the sponge in the tub and simply strokes your dick with her warm, wet fingers. You let your head sink into your pillow and let out a sigh of satisfaction that turns into a lusty moan. Nancy smiles, clearly aroused by your enjoyment. She uses both hands, stroking her fingers up and down with increasing speed. She jiggles your balls and you feel the sperm rising.

Do you:

Health Horny, with your arms in casts Location:

The Hospital

MP 0
Level 1
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