Downfall/Share a room with Debra 0-0-7

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To your surprise - and judging by your mom's face, also hers - Debra proclaims that you are going to be her roommate. Your protest is nipped in the bud by Julianne.

"Excellent idea."

"Mom," you say, but Julianne interrupts you. Friendly but firmly she says: "This experience will help you to get along. I won't hear a thing." And to Debra: "No fighting, Sweetie."

"I won't start a fight, mum."

She enters the bedroom. You follow her reluctantly. The room is sparsely furnished - a double bed that stands too close to the window side of the room, leaving only a narrow passage, a single nightstand on the other side of the bed, a wooden closet.

"Which side?"


"Which side of the bed do you want, Will?"

Just as you feared, Debra is up to something. She looks at you, her head slightly tilted, that sort of amused smile on her lips she always shows when she mocks you. Kirsten has the exact same smile in her armory; sometimes you think it is like a kekkei genkai, a ninja bloodline trait, in the Naruto anime, running in the female side of the family.

"Since when do you care?"

"Oh, I'm just trying to understand what catches your eye, that's all."

That doesn't sound good. If you had any doubts, this proves that Debra is up to something. Don't get yourself involved in her mischief if you don't want to spoil your evening.

"Why don't you choose a side so I don't have to lead a tiring discussion with you afterwards?"

You expect her to refuse to make a choice to force you to comply, but she says: "All right. I'll take window side."

The door opens; Julianne. "It's so quiet in here; is everything all right?"

"Yes, mum," Debra says. "Shall I help you with dinner preparations?"

"Thanks, Sweetie."

Debra leaves the room, and once more you recognise that Debra usually is a nice girl as long as she doesn't pick on you. What is it that makes her not like you? Anyway, you unpack your bag so you won't have to do it after dinner with your sister watching. You throw your clothes on the shelves inside the left side of the wardrobe. You bag goes on top.

The door opens. "Dinner is ready," Debra says. About time; your stomach growls like a lion.

State of Clothing Shirt; Shorts; Boxer shorts


Surroundings Share a room with Debra
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