Just shut your eyes, think about something else, and try to sleep

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As much as you want to make some sort of move, you know this isn't the time or the place. You consider your options, and decide that the best is to try and get some sleep. With everything that's going on outside the station, you're going to need your rest. You close your eyes, do your best to think about anything but Melanie, and finally drift off to sleep.

You're awakened not much later by the sounds of footsteps in the hall. They're loud, and it sounds like a group of people. You find yourself in a hazy panic, still half asleep. You can only imagine what's come into the station, and what it will do when it finds the two of you.

"Anyone alive in here?" You hear a voice shout. "United States army," the voice calls out again. "If anyone is alive in here, announce your presence now!"

You jump to your feet. "We're in here! Two of us! We're alive!" Melanie sits up on the couch, confused, rubbing at her eyes. You unlock the door and swing it open, and are greeted by several armed men with flashlights attached to their weaponry, and the light is nearly blinding.

Within an hour, you're whisked away to a military camp, where you're quarantined while medical officials search your entire bodies for signs of sores. When they're sure you're not infected, they release you into the camp with a fresh change of clothes, and pointing the way to a large tent where food and water await. You start looking around for Melanie, but you can't seem to find her. You stop one of the medical team and ask about her.

"I'm sorry son," the man says. "The girl is showing the first sings of infection. We have to keep her quarantined until further notice." He gives you a sympathetic pat on the shoulder and marches on.

It's tough getting on, but you do the best you can. You fill your belly and find out where you'll be sleeping. The next morning, you get assigned to a work detail helping to prepare food. You find the work boring, but it at least gives you a way to fill your day. It's months before you finally get word that Melanie died in the quarantine area. You mourn for days, but as time passes, you settle into the routine of the camp. You make new friends, find new romances, and do your best to get on with life.

You occasionally visit Melanie's grave at the back of the camp and tend to it, delivering flowers and updating her on your life. It's bittersweet, but you've survived, and that's something in and of itself. You know there's nothing more you could have done for Melanie, and you're grateful that you weren't infected as well.

Congratulations. You've survived the end of the world.

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