Go take a shower?

From Create Your Own Story

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With so much to think of you head towards the bathroom, you hope that there is so hot water left over from last night, you've have enough cold rain on you for a life time. Stripping nude you step into the shower and run the shower head on full blast with as much heat as it can pump out. Tension leaves your body from the warm water as you hang your head in the falling water.

"So first, she is getting attacked by some unknown person. Then I find out she is not just a human but... I'm not even sure what she is. Can't even talk, or if she can, she doesn't... am I really being paranoid about all of this or not... maybe I should go home...."

Hearing the shaking of the shower curtain your eyes rip open to see her standing there stark naked before you; her C-cup breast seem to call your attention as the steam of the air clings to them but your senses are quick to come back to you. Jumping back in shock you cover yourself up with the rest of the curtain as you almost slip in the shower.

"Some one is in here you know!" Your tone quickly sharpens at her but you pull back seeing her eyes grow wide with tears.

"Ok, sorry. But you shouldn't walk in on someone while their in the shower, let alone the bathroom." You correct her actions, while she walks like a person, and kinda... looks like one her mind doesn't seem to understand all the small social rules that everyone knew.

Large fuzzy ears wiggling back and forth she nods her head gently but then point to her mouth while she rubs her stomach.

"Nya." It's the one thing you have ever heard her say, you're not quite sure if it actually means anything or if its all she can say.

"Let me... finish here and then we can find you something to eat."

"Nya...." Turning about with a sad tone in her voice you find your eyes fixed on her round ass with each step it jiggles slightly though her body mass is quite low for someone her size.

Closing the door behind her you're thoughts go back to her body while you being to rub a quick one out.

While the clothes aren't fresh its better than wearing nothing at all, dressing yourself you feel better than you had before but its not yourself that you worry about but her; still hanging over the air vent are her clothes. Checking them once again you find that over the night they dried off well, while wrinkled they are no longer wet. Trying to keep your attention away from her you hand her the clothes as she goes about dressing herself.

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