Downfall/Somewhere cold with rough climate

From Create Your Own Story

< Downfall
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The ship isn't one of those gigantic cruisers where passengers are held like hens in a battery farm. The ship is headed south, into rough waters, in search for cold-climate wildlife - sea lions, penguins, all kinds of sea birds, and with best of luck, even dolphins and whales. Most people prefer warm weather, crystal clear waters and sandy beaches, thus the cruise ship is dimensioned smaller. Yet, the ship accommodates about six- or seven hundred passengers and is booked out.

A steward shows you to your cabins. Your daughters' cabin lies next to a crossing, yours come further down and in another corridor. Will's cabin is located a deck below. You stow away your luggage and meet up in the 'Main Hall', a large area from where passengers can access various restaurants and shopping areas. You let your children choose a restaurant for dinner - with the exception of a special deck, food is included in the fare, and it tastes very good.

After dinner, you retire to your cabin. You enter the bathroom and prepare a shower. While the warm water pelts down on your back, you contemplate about...

State of Clothing naked


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