Go to your private chambers

From Create Your Own Story

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Bram isn't one of your favorite siblings, he more of your rival, that came from the rivalry of your mother and his mother. Your father married your mother, before his and she tried to convince that Bram would be a more suitable heir in more ways then one. Yet all her advances and whispering prove to be false, you had showed yourself to be better then Bram countless times. Or at least that's what you always think. Your cowardice is more obvious to those around you.

As you walk away with your pride humiliated while your brothers laughs in front of nearby servants and nobles still are echoing down the hall, you enter your chambers. As you enter your bed chambers you find your two slaves asleep. Their bodies naked except for a few strands of jewelry around their smooth flesh. Your manhood is awakened by the sight, and shout "slaves awake!" you command and the two women scramble out of the pillows in a sleepy daze. Lyna, the newly acquired slave seems embarrassed with her new dress code but Helena simply smiles at the sight of you.

"I've been summoned by my father for an important meeting, I need to look my best," you state, as you throw your new sword on the bed and begin undressing your self.

"Of course my great prince," replies Helena as she grabs Lyna by the shoulders and orders her to bring oil.

Helena walks over to you with a grin, reminding you of how much she wants you here and now. No other slave has proven more to you then Helena. Her delicate fingers glide across your tight muscles until she find your belt and unfastens it. She pulls down your furry garments to the floor revealing your slowly growing cock. Do you:

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