M, Infi, Prologue, CP/RD, 2, 1, 1

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Breya's lip starts to quiver and her eyes fill with tears. "Oh gods, Iona..."

Afraid you might lose her again you put your hands on her shoulders and say, "Breya? Breya look at me. Who is Iona?"

She fights back tears and speaks in a hoarse voice. "Iona is my little sister. We were all by ourselves before her ladyship took us in three years ago. On the first day she talked back to his lordship and I thought we were done for, but he took a liking to her instantly. She's funny like that. I thought I'd have to watch her all the time, she's so spirited, but she's the reason we've been here so long." A smile broke across her face. "Last year I saw her-"

"Breya, focus. You said Iona was missing, what happened to her?"

Her smile disappears as she continues. "Right, sorry. I get carried away sometimes. I last saw her three days ago. Lord Daren requested a bottle of wine late at night, so she came down to me and I sent her off with his favorite dry red. I went to sleep before she got back, she tends to be up late tending to his lordship so it's not unusual that she would crawl into bed with me long after I fell asleep. But when I woke up she wasn't there. She's never done that before, I just assumed she got up earlier than me. But I didn't see her all day, and when I woke up the next morning she still wasn't there. I ran around the whole estate looking for her, and nobody knew where she was."

"Or they were lying."

"I know, and that's what scares me the most. Why would they lie? The only reason they wouldn't tell me the truth is if someone told them to."

"So you went to Ray."

"Yes, I went to Ray. I was so desperate, I should have known he- I should have known that he would- gods, I still don't know where she is." Breya starts to weep again. "I'm sorry, I just don't know what to do. What do you think could have happened to her?"

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