Go with Sally and Jack

From Create Your Own Story

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You focus on Sally and Jack. "Your room sounds like a good idea."

"Good choice," Sally says, reaching down to help you to your feet.

Sally and Jack guide you to a section of apparently blank wall. Sally puts her hand on it and the wall slides open. The three of you step through, and it slides shut behind you.

You look around. You're in a very large bedroom/bathroom. An enormous bed that could easily hold 10 people and a shower that could to the same are the primary features. After the three of you perform a needed function in the bathroom, the sexy couple carry you to the bed. Sally hands you a glass half-full of a bluish liquid.

You drink it down, and immediately your energy begins returning. Within a minute you're completely revitalized.

Jack smiles. "My special energy drink."

Sally starts suckling on one of your nipples and teasing your slit with her fingers, while Jack takes your other nipple. You instantly start juicing.

Sally whispers to you.

Health Horny and Hormonal Location:

The Paradise House

MP 0
Level 1
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