
From Create Your Own Story

< Wife
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The car finally pulls up at a large two story nightclub.

'The fucking nerve of this guy...' you think to yourself as you wait for them to enter before turning off your own car and following them in.

The nightclub is absolutely packed. There's a roped off area for the VIP upper floor. You can hardly take two steps without bumping into somebody. You look around for Aimee and Craig and see them sitting in the corner. Craig's arm is around Aimee's shoulder and she is nursing a drink. By the looks of it she's moved onto hard liquor.

'This can't be good...' you think, knowing that Aimee is a lightweight when it comes to drinking.

You go order a drink yourself. After all, you're in a nightclub sober, everyone else is drunk and you stand out like a sore thumb.

You wait patiently for your beer, keeping an eye on the two. As you pay for your drink, you notice a girl smiling at you from across the bar.

You look her over. A slim girl, probably early twenties. Dark red hair. She sees you looking at her and winks before walking away. You look back to the corner of the room and see that the two have disappeared.

With beer in hand, you decide to...

  • Search for them in the bathroom.
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