Make the game more interesting?

From Create Your Own Story

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"Lets make this a little more interesting, hmm?" You raise the question breaking Shara's victory cheers.

"Like what?" Shara cocks her head to one side trying to figure out what you mean.

"Hmm... how about for every game won the winner can make the other person do whatever they want." You offer the suggestion, watching Shara's expression change into one of thought she appears to be thinking the idea over.

"Well...if you really what to do what I say I suppose." Shara laughs with confidence in her voice.

"Right, just to let you know I wasn't trying." You laugh resetting your pieces back on the board.

Jumping back at your words a bit Shara recoils with her arms crossed one over the other, it doesn't seem she believes you but once you start winning she'll understand.

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