Incubus: Ask Takita what the hell a braeddis fey is

From Create Your Own Story

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"Takita." You say.

He stops playing, and you could swear hackles were rising on his back.

"Takita, what the hell is a Braeddis Fey?"

He remains facing out to sea. "We are the Braeddis Fey."

"I want an answer, Takita."

"Fine. We are one with Nature, and all that comes with it. Some are like me. Some are like birds. Some are water creatures. Others are like the trees themselves. Our senses surpass that of the other fey, and perhaps that of all other species. Our wings are attuned to our surroundings, and according to our legends, were given to us by the moon. If we have magic, we cannot use it willingly. And we see past deception and illusion. That is a Braeddis Fey."

You remain silent.

"That is how I know what you are, Captain."

Do you:

Incubus: Ask Takita for forgiveness

Incubus: Threaten Takita into keeping quiet

Incubus: Leave Takita and pursue someone else.

Hunger Key: Sated - Awake - Restless - Hungry - Very Hungry - Starving - Critical
Demon Sated
Location The Incubus: Deck, Starboard
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