Victim: Cry and gives in

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 07:48, 6 December 2014 by Ndqw (Talk | contribs)
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He's too strong for you, so you succumb to his power and lets him drag you away while you whimper in his grasp. He brings you to a security room, opens the door and throws you in. He turns around and locks the door. Turning back towards you, he removes his clothes, unbuckle his belt, and unzip his pants with a speed that's surprising for a man of his obesity. When he finally strips down his Princess Peach underwear, you gasp in shock when you see his big, fat dick.

The guard takes the opportunity to shove it into your gaping mouth and pumps it repetitively with pleasure.


Gender Female <- Equipment ->
Age 14 Nothing
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