Wash the car

From Create Your Own Story

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"We need to wash your car," you tell Ally.

She smiles brightly. "We should, I'll go get some soap and sponges, the hose is over there." She runs inside and you pull the hose over to the car and turn it on. You are still in your white t-shirts and jeans, which means things are about to turn very sexy. Ally finally come back with the need supplies as she walks towards you, you spray her with the hose. She gasps but doesn't try to block the stream. Her breast and visible through her shirt and she grabs the hose and sprays you for a long time with the same result. If boys were around, they would be at full mast. Ally pushes you against the car and caresses your body.

Have a makeout session

Clean the car

You are: A 18-year-old girl
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