PMS/Send Dinky out to fight the horny pokemon

From Create Your Own Story

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"All right, little guy," you say, gripping Dinky's pokeball in your fist, "go get 'em!" Dinky looks at you like you've lost your mind, but you throw the pokeball out into the park anyway. He sighs and shakes his head, but follows the ball, issuing his challenge to the wild pokemon with a small, timid little roar.

The yanma sees him first and lets go of the little boy to fly over, hovering just out of Dinky's reach. They regard each other, but neither one tries to attack. After a minute, Dinky looks back at you and gives a questioning chirp. Oh, that's right, you have to give the orders.

"Attack!" you shout and Dinky springs into action, coiling his long body and leaping up into the air. He grabs the yanma by one wing and pulls the insect pokemon down to the ground. The yanma uses its jaws to give Dinky a painful bite on the tail, making Dinky cry out. "Wrap him up!" you shout in encouragement. "Crush him!"

Dinky winds his body around the yanma and squeezes, the two of them rolling back and forth across the grass. You glance down at the pokenav in your hand, watching the yanma's strength drain away. Dinky is taking some damage, too, but not as much as his foe.

"That's it, Dinky! You got him!" you shout as the yanma faints. You watch Dinky's experience meter creep closer to full, and you don't notice the creeping up on you until it's almost too late.

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