Ask about the dog, if he's safe.

From Create Your Own Story

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"There's a dog here," you start into the intercom, thing. "Black coat, brown underside, ah, brown eyes, and a short tail, does he bite?"

The man responds right away. "Only if he smells danger on ya!"

"S-smells, danger?" You wonder.

"Yeah, if he thinks your evil or sum'n he'll eat ya alive."

You slowly turn your head to the dog, still standing there and still watching you. Big, brown, man-eating doggy eyes not letting up on you by one bit.

"So I'm safe right?" You ask.

"How should I know? Stick your hand in through the gate and we'll find out!"

You look at the dog again, big, brown, man-eating doggy eyes piercing into your soul. Strangely, you're hoping this dog doesn't ask you to hand in your tutoring homework on modern politics.

You're a saint! Sorta, anyway, the dog shouldn't bite you. So, yeah, you can stick your hand through the gate. You hope.

You're not stupid. Your definition of evil might be different from the dog's definition.

On second thought, finding out how to get outta here ain't sounding too bad.

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