Katie's Accident in Art - Mr. Thorn Catches Katie in the Restroom

From Create Your Own Story

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Condition Fine Apparel and Items: Pants, Shirt, Panties, Socks, Sneakers
Day, Time Friday, Just Before Lunch
Need to Bathroom Really Bad
Level of Humiliation None

Just before Katie was able to relieve herself, she heard the bathroom doors open up. She froze and listened as footsteps too heavy for a high school girl's echoed through the room. The footsteps continued until Katie was able to see dressy black shoes walk up to her stall's door.

"Miss Irenis, please leave the stall immediately. You didn't get permission to use the bathroom." Mr. Thorn said from the other side of the door.

"But... Mr. Thorn..." Katie pleaded.

"No 'buts'! Out now!" Her art teacher demanded.

Katie felt a little gas go as she was on the toilet and worried about what was about to happen.

Katie's Accident in Art - Mr. Thorn Drags Her Back to Art Class

Katie's Accident in Art - Katie Has an Accident As Mr. Thorn Takes Her Back to Class

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